As for emminent threat, Bush did not say Iraq was an emminent threat. He said that he wanted to stop Iraq BEFORE they became an emminent threat because becoming emminent is too late.
President George W. Bush on Nuclear Capabilities:
“If the Iraq regime is able to produce, buy, or steal an amount of highly enriched uranium a little larger than a single softball, it could have a nuclear weapon in less than one year.”
Source: President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat; Remarks by the President on Iraq, White House (10/7/2002).
President George W. Bush on Urgent Threat:
“On its present course, the Iraqi regime is a threat of unique urgency. . . . it has developed weapons of mass death.”
Source: President, House Leadership Agree on Iraq Resolution, White House (10/2/2002).
President George W. Bush on Al-Qaeda:
“The regime has longstanding and continuing ties to terrorist groups, and there are Al Qaida terrorists inside Iraq.”
Source: George W. Bush Delivers Weekly Radio Address, White House (9/28/2002). ONLY LATER TO SAY THAT WE HAVE NO INFORMATION THAT IRAQ HAS TIES WITH AL QAIDA.
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on Urgent Threat:
“[N]o terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people than the regime of Saddam Hussein and Iraq.”
Source: Testimony of U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Senate Armed Services Committee (9/19/2002).