I am sorry that some of the posts have been quite rude (such as insinuating that you are in this for the money). That type of response is not called for. Most of us mean well. When we see someone come along who is advocating for things that go against Church teaching, we can tend towards defensiveness. Obviously, that’s not going to win you over.
I do somewhat take offense at your final comment, though. It is rather flippant to disregard Scripture
en masse because of Old Testament dietary restrictions thereby implying that the whole Book can really be disregarded as a quaint cultural throwback that we cannot take seriously. I hope you can understand how that might strike someone as an insensitive way to speak about the religious text that is foundational to our faith. I’m sure that’s not what you were trying to do, though.
You obviously have very noble intents. Family and children are
good things. We can all agree on that. And it is hard not to feel for people who are unable to have biological children on their own.
That said, the means we use to do things
matters. We would not kidnap a child (even a child who is otherwise living in poverty with less than stellar parents) to put them with a more loving couple. I know this is not directly comparable to surrogacy, but I use it to illustrate the point that the end does not justify the means. That is a foundational principle of morality. We cannot do evil that good may come of it.
I would encourage you to prayerfully consider what the Church teaching on this matter is. Talk to your priest about it, too. I am constantly humbled by the wisdom I have found in Catholic teaching. It’s not just a set of arbitrary rules meant to keep us down or restrict love. Quite the opposite. It is in those teachings where we consistently see the dignity of the human person most respected and love for all is most fully lived out.
Again, God bless you.