I’m sorry, yours is just so much more “the little guy can’t get ahead!,” and it’s largely inaccurate.
Many, many corporations are carrying their employees on full salaries despite having zero money coming in. As an example, Wynn Resorts, which own various casinos in Las Vegas, is planning to carry their employees through at least May 15, not only on full wages but with also paying them estimates of what tips would have been, despite the casinos being shuttered.
The phenomena you describe, wherein people can’t afford cars, homes, whatever, isn’t capitalism run amok, it’s entitlement run amok, and “lack of savings” run amok: Sheesh, the number of Americans who couldn’t absorb the loss of a single solitary paycheck before wanting/needing a bailout is staggering. See those long lines of cars at food banks? There were a LOT of new models in those lines. The average car loan in the US is now 70 months, and the average car payment is now over $500 per month. Most Americans live way, way beyond their means, and that can’t be blamed on their employers; it’s on them themselves.