Taylor Marshall Asks Pope Francis whether he, Pope Francis, is a Heretic!

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I honestly think his video hit the rock bottom, Dr Marshall clearly doesn’t recognize anymore the Papal Authority.
So, my problem with all of this talk about Taylor Marshall is that it is people judging another person’s heart. It is uncharitable, not Christian and clearly left for God alone.

It is easy to point our fingers at someone else and not look at our own selves.

No where in the video did he say he did not recognize Papal Authority but said he would not bow down to idols if the Pope asked him to. Would you?
Now after his very recent tweet I am left wondering if he is heading soon toward SSPX.
Also, I hope you are not referring to the SSPX as hitting rock bottom because Pope Francis has allowed Catholics to attend certain things in the SSPX.

Maybe we should all consider making acts of reparation for sins that offend our Lord and our Blessed Mother.
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What’s funny is both the good doctor and MV abhor sedevacantism. I dont see either of them going in schism over Pope Francis.
And does that prove without a doubt it was someone in the Vatican who actually did it? The IP address came from within a device inside the Vatican itself? Spoofing and proxy is apparently very easy to do
No its merely one piece of data that would tend to show its not spoofing and was the Vatican IP address.
I would like to reply, as the other thread is shut down, I read your post and agree that the questions being raised are what is going on with many people I have been interacting with in person. We have the right to ask these questions, And request clarity. I do think he should be showing respect and addressing the Pope by his title.
Sometimes you gotta be stern with those that you love, especially ones that have shown time and time again to not listen (reffering of course to the Pope ignoring dubia cardinals and Bishop Schneider and Archbishop Vigano)
I didn’t realize that the SSPX recognize Pope Francis as our Pope, so yeah Sedevacantism could be the eventually path he ends up at.

To be sure, I do have concerns about Pope Francis. I follow EWTN’s World Over Live and The Patrick Coffin Show, the podcast done by Patrick Coffin. But there just seems to be something about Taylor Marshall that seems especially extreme…

I do think it’s interesting that Catholics who once adored St. John Paul II are, in their words being ‘red-pilled’ on him now. It’s a strange phenomena. Perhaps everyone feels they were looking at the St. John Paul II era through rose-colored glasses.

As well I think it’s interesting how only a few years ago, author David F. Pierre was being brought onto shows like The Terry and Jesse Show and Catholic Answers Focus in order to defend the Church against unfair attacks regarding the sex abuse crisis in light of the movie Spotlight and yet now, David F. Pierre has been dumped on the road and is no longer sought after or allowed to comment on the Church Militant website.
You guys worry too much about Pope Francis.
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The SSPX recognize Francis as the pope. I am left wondering if Marshall is heading toward sedevacantism.
I could not reply to you on the other thread, it was shut down before I got back to it. We should all be addressing the Pope by his title if we wish to recognise him as who he is and stands for. I am not left wondering. Marshall is asking the question that many are asking. He has a right to be scandalised and upset about this, it does not indicate mental instability or anything similar. I think it is a heart felt appeal for clarity.
So, my problem with all of this talk about Taylor Marshall is that it is people judging another person’s heart. It is uncharitable, not Christian and clearly left for God alone.
. Marshall consistently suggests FSSP over SSPX and his host Gordon attends Novus Ordo.
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I am very doubtful Francis is a heretic. What seems virtually beyond dispute at this point, however, is that he’s a quite bad communicator.
Here’s the thing: I don’t worry because I think Pope Francis is acting within the parameters I expect of a pope. He is a little different from his immediate predecesors. Maybe some good will come from it. I haven’t seen any heresy yet, and don’t expect to. Furthermore, I’m not going to tell him how to do his job, or how to do his job better.
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We should all be addressing the Pope by his title if we wish to recognise him as who he is and stands for. I am not left wondering. Marshall is asking the question that many are asking. He has a right to be scandalised and upset about this, it does not indicate mental instability or anything similar. I think it is a heart felt appeal for clarity.
Yes plus all his questions are rooted in Holy Scripture. He cited Letter St Paul to Corinthians, St Peter, etc all condemning idols. Are we to now abandon Holy Scripture? If the Pope makes a statement (not infallible teaching) contradicting Holy Scripture, we are to reject Holy Scripture?
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They absolutely do recognize the Pope, which is why they have been in communication with the last 3 popes and…

From the very page you linked:

and invariably it leads to one’s recognizing no spiritual superiors on earth. Each becomes, in practice, his own little “pope,” the rule of faith and orthodoxy, the judge of the validity of sacraments.* This being so, we ought not to associate with, or, receive the sacraments from them, most especially if they set up sedevacantism as a certitude which all have to accept.
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Holy Father used term “pachanama” which is name of known Idol
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