Taylor Marshall's Twitter feed has disappeared

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As a life long Catholic, I submit to everthing the Church has taught and to all her guidance along the way. That has never disappointed me.
Transitioning to drinking Holy Communion from the cup everyone else drinks from never went well with me. Otherwise…I agree with you. Also I feel the original way of receiving Holy Communion at the rail is much better.
Regarding Dr. Marshall’s Twitter disappearance…I’m not suspicious at all. Taking time out to watch his videos is easy for me to do.
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If Marshall was simply “laying low,” why erase all of his Tweets for the past 10 years?
I’ve seen people do that on YouTube - voluntarily delete all of their videos . Essentially it’s a defensive strategy after one gets hit with 1 or 2 strikes to then pull all their videos , if they believe there is a targeted campaign to delete their account, that way they prevent said campaign from hitting them with 3rd strike and deleting account. Not sure if people do it on Twitter or if Marshall even was hit with 1 strike but definitely seen it done on YouTube
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Our Church has always been collegial with leaders theologians, specific experts and holy prophets playing their part in that dynamic. How do ordinary Catholics without privy to the vast resources of the deposit of faith, armed only with gossip and speculation… justify calling out the Pope?
They follow leaders who are in conformity with the actual dogmas of the Catholic church, like , Cardinal Burke,
If Marshall was simply “laying low,” why erase all of his Tweets for the past 10 years?
Are his tweets controversial or pointed? Does he target a particular person or group? If so, it would be easier to delete all than try to comb through thousands of tweets and delete those that he either doesn’t want to be associated with or that could be reported resulting in suspension.

Or he is planning a change in platform and doesn’t want to deal with old tweets that might distract.

This is not the first time I’ve seen i something like this happen but I cant remember the details, the who and why.
If Marshall was simply “laying low,” why erase all of his Tweets for the past 10 years?
Are his tweets controversial or pointed? Does he target a particular person or group?
That’s a big 10-4.
This could be twitter jail and the tweets will be restored soon. But I don’t have a good handle on what twitmo looks like; it’s hard to tell between something like shadowbanning or a glitch.

And FWIW all sides of the political spectrum complain of bias. Suspensions, shadowbanning, losing followers, some really vocal people tend to think they are victims of twitter bias. Just wanted to put that out there, it’s all over the place and if you lose a ton of followers all at once they were bots (again, both sides). Losing bots is a good thing.
I found this. Sorry if it’s been referenced as already. My bolding.
While many of his tweets are questionable in regards to racism, xenophobia and homophobia in light of Twitter’s censorship, we cannot rule out any glitch on the part of Twitter’s new algorithms. This may explain why we are not seeing the pop up stating that the account was in fact suspended. However, sometimes when an account is suspended, the first phase is to show it as still active without tweets. As time passes, the message of it being suspended begins to pop up and then the followers disappear. We shall see as the days pass to see if this happens. He may have been reported for hate, though it looks more like he purged all of his tweets leaving his account blank with only his followers and bio information.
What’s equally strange is that none of his compatriots have chimed in with explanations.
This suggests that if his account is suspended he may be appealing that action and they are playing it cool.
Also someone threw those idols in the river which was not the best idea to record it. It seems that whoever did it did it out of wanting to be recognized. I also find it intresting that marshall’s account was gone for a weekend and now all the sudden its back up with pachamama being thrown in the tiber.
I’m sure Taylor will being posting videos (T’n’T or as I call them, tweedle dee and tweedle dum) praising these people. More gas for the fire for him to push his us (traditional) vs them (Norvus Ordo)
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Either I am tired or as a convert of 11 years I don’t follow these types of contro-
versies and am out of the loop because I am not familiar with Taylor Marshall
or Dave Armstrong so I am still confused.
So this must be some kind of battle I don’t follow.
Be thankful. 🙂

As long as we keep praying and are faithful to Christ and His Church, there’s no requirement (and probably lots of reason not) to engage with these polemics.
I am still confused.
So this must be some kind of battle I don’t follow.
I don’t either. It doesn’t make sense to me.

It is just saying listen to one apologist because he is saying something about another apologist and we are to figure out which apologist we think is the right apologist.
Taylor Marshall’s early work was pretty good. I used to refer his work to those who were interested in the Catholic Church – I don’t anymore. Unfortunately, Marshall has devolved into perpetuating conspiracy theories and throws around wild accusations quite often. Dave Armstrong is a level-headed guy that utilizes logic with all his arguments. Dave called out Taylor Marshall awhile back on his recent book that is incredibly poorly researched. I recommend Armstrong’s work.
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