Taylor Marshall's Twitter feed has disappeared

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I used to read some of Dave Armstrong’s articles and I purchased a few of his books over the years and corresponded with him on social media a time or two. I always thought his criticism of Mark Shea was thoughtful and concise, which is why I believed him to be fairly level headed.

However, when Taylor Marshall began to speak out against the corruption within the Church and started to question the actions and statements by the Pope, Dave Armstrong started, what appeared to me anyway, was a personal crusade against Dr. Marshall. The tone of his arguments and his overall efforts to oppose Dr. Marshall seemed fueled by desperation rather than fraternal correction.
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I’ll like to hear the explanation on that one. I see on his FB page “BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Daylor Marshall ATTACKED BY VATICAN ON WIKIPEDIA!!!” Posting a video by Knights of Christendom.

Imagine, “attacked by the Vatican” on a site that can be edited by almost anyone.
Good way to sell more books thou
Wow, thanks for sharing this article. It brings a much-needed, sobering clarity to things.
I used to read some of Dave Armstrong’s articles and I purchased a few of his books over the years and corresponded with him on social media a time or two. I always thought his criticism of Mark Shea was thoughtful and concise, which is why I believed him to be fairly level headed.

However, when Taylor Marshall began to speak out against the corruption within the Church and started to question the actions and statements by the Pope, Dave Armstrong started, what appeared to me anyway, was a personal crusade against Dr. Marshall. The tone of his arguments and his overall efforts to oppose Dr. Marshall seemed fueled by desperation rather than fraternal correction.
I wouldn’t say ‘fueled by desperation’ but ‘discerning urgency’ in correction. I used to love reading Taylor Marshalls internet articles back in the day and thought he was actually very discerning. But interesting that he uses ‘Infiltrated’ as the title of his book because that is exactly what seemed to happen to him an ‘infiltration’ of some sort. He went from a spiritual, empathetic, discerning person headlong into that irony of feeling like a better Catholic but becoming judgemental, angry, obsessed, dark, cold and plain nasty.

Something big happened.
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But why do you need to ‘explain away’ the Pope? I view him as challenging us out of our comfort zone to be more like Jesus actually was. That’s the whole purpose of a living magisterium. To keep focusing our attention on the true Christ, what He taught, how He lived on the ground among the people of His time.
Coming from LifeSiteNews? They have a lot in common. Two peas in a pod, as the saying goes
I’m confused. @Emeraldlady wrote
…He went from a spiritual, empathetic, discerning person headlong into that irony of feeling like a better Catholic but becoming judgemental, angry, obsessed, dark, cold and plain nasty.

Something big happened.
and you replied:

Trying to understand the Pope made you become “judgemental, angry, obsessed, dark, cold and plain nasty”? I don’t think you meant that.

I haven’t found that the Pope is over the edge, but he doesn’t toss off one-liners that can be understood when they’re taken out of context, which is invariably what has to happen before any of his comments get out of the Catholic news and into international secular news. Whenever he doesn’t put things in a trivial way that sounds like it came straight out of the Baltimore Catechism, the “great thinkers” are off to the races.

There are always those who hope for some reason that he’s going to turn the Church upside down. He has not done that. He isn’t going to do that. What he is willing to do is to allow anybody ask him any question they want to ask. When they are allowed to do that and don’t get a stone-cold stare down but instead get an answer that engages them where they are–even when they are outside the Church!–someone invariably takes that to mean he’s considering a change in course for Holy Mother Church. I don’t think those who believe that (whether in fear or optimism) really take a lot of time to listen to the whole of what he says. That is not where he is headed, not at all. He is not afraid of losing his faith if he allows a “forbidden premise” to be spoken out loud.
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I think the way the Pope is covered is unfortunately the same way nearly everyone in public life is covered, which is to say very shallowly and usually with a view to relegate him into “for our agenda” or “against our agenda”. Most people, even non-Catholics, want to make it seem that the Pope is on the same page with them, because of course the Pope is a great moral authority around the world.

I remember when someone took a statement of Pope Benedict’s to mean that condoms were OK if they were being used by gay prostitutes! People totally twist the things that a Pope says, if it fulfills some hope that the Catholic Church will back up their reading of human morality.
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Wandering into this thread was a mistake. I feel like I walked into a group of teenage girls arguing over who’s better “Team Edward” or “Team Jacob” (substitute “Marshall” and “Armstrong” or whatever other Catholic amateur apologist YouTube celebrity is to your liking).

The increasing use of the Genetic Fallacy on these forums is also growing tiresome. Can we all grow up? None of these guys are authorities, not Marshall, not Armstrong, not Akin, Madrid, Voris, Coffin, Shea, nor any of the others. The link dumping to their blogs as a means of making a point is intellectually lazy. They’re all a mixed bag. They all say some good things. They all say some whacky things. Figuring out which is which takes more effort than these incessant threads of “Should I watch Voris?”, “Is it a sin to listen to Marshall?”, etc.

Maybe I’m asking too much but can we leave the clannish bickering to those other threads and leave this one for talking about the actual topic: the disappearance of Marshall’s pre-21-Oct tweets, and perhaps the tangentially related alleged vandalism of his wiki page?
the disappearance of Marshall’s pre-21-Oct tweets, and perhaps the tangentially related alleged vandalism of his wiki page?
From Article:
So it looks like the edits came from within Vatican IT Department. I like that Marshall said “I’m not making any accusations” and that he would just like Vatican to look into it. I thought that was a pretty measured response.
His twitter feed seems to be there to me. I can find the tweet where the Vatican said someone stole some statues and he “corrects” them and says it wasn’t a theft.

That’s enough for me. He doesn’t even know that taking something that doesn’t belong to you is theft. I don’t think he deserves to be made into a moral authority, sorry.

If I had to use one word to describe the message as a whole, I’d say the twitter feed I read with his name on it is vitriolic.
It could drop out of cyberspace, and I see no loss.
From Article:
What article are you referring to? All I’ve seen is Twitter speculation that runs the gamut (by the way, I’m kinda mad at myself for using this occasion of any to break my promise to myself that I would never get on Twitter!)

I don’t doubt that Marshall’s wiki was vandalized. That’s self evident. What I want to know is if the IP really came from the Holy See, and from the Secretariat of State at that. This is not self evident, and given the existence of VPNs, proxies, among other things that my techno-ignorant self is unaware of I cannot reasonably assume that such is the case.
What article are you referring to? All I’ve seen is Twitter speculation that runs the gamut (by the way, I’m kinda mad at myself for using this occasion of any to break my promise to myself that I would never get on Twitter!)
Article linked about 10 posts above
I don’t doubt that Marshall’s wiki was vandalized. That’s self evident. What I want to know is if the IP really came from the Holy See, and from the Secretariat of State at that. This is not self evident, and given the existence of VPNs, proxies, among other things that my techno-ignorant self is unaware of I cannot reasonably assume that such is the case.
Yes I agree. In the article, some IT people did some searching to determine where it came from. Its in the article.
Article linked about 10 posts above

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) AlbertDerGrosse:
I don’t doubt that Marshall’s wiki was vandalized. That’s self evident. What I want to know is if the IP really came from the Holy See, and from the Secretariat of State at that. This is not self evident, and given the existence of VPNs, proxies, among other things that my techno-ignorant self is unaware of I cannot reasonably assume that such is the case.
I’m assuming you’re referring to the LifeSite article. I just read it and couldn’t find any part that addressed my concerns about IP spoofing. The whole article in fact is just a rehashing of all the twitter posts we’re already aware of plus a written statement by Dr. Marshall.

I still want to know how we can be sure the IP really came from the Vatican at all, let alone the Secretariat of State. I assume that is going to take something more thorough than Twitter-sleuthing. Something along the lines of what Dr. Marshall is requesting of the Vatican which I highly doubt will be honored, not because the Holy See is complicit in this but because in the grand scheme of things for a sovereign state a Wikipedia edit war is really not worth the trouble.
I still want to know how we can be sure the IP really came from the Vatican at all, let alone the Secretariat of State. I assume that is going to take something more thorough than Twitter-sleuthing. Something along the lines of what Dr. Marshall is requesting of the Vatican which I highly doubt will be honored, not because the Holy See is complicit in this but because in the grand scheme of things for a sovereign state a Wikipedia edit war is really not worth the trouble.
That all sounds good to me. I think you’re right about the spoofing. However, I did just find out an interesting fact. It looks like same Vatican IP address was taken offline today at exact time that Marshall edits were reported. See Marshall’s twitter feed where he links to the various Vatican IT pages showing “offline”. Again, not conclusive but definitely fishy.

Dr Taylor Marshall

The Vatican internet service is “temporarily unavailable”. This is the same identifier or department responsible for the Wikipedia edits to discredit me: direzione.tlc@scv.va. Compare both images. Here’s the site link show vatican internet down:

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He went from a spiritual, empathetic, discerning person headlong into that irony of feeling like a better Catholic but becoming judgemental, angry, obsessed, dark, cold and plain nasty.
Well I don’t share your view on his change of persona, but I can say that his love for the Church and his knowledge regarding our faith and teachings has been extremely helpful.

I don’t find anything problematic with what he has written or stated as it relates to our faith. Dr. Marshall certainly doesn’t need me to defend him, but I believe his efforts have had a far more positive effect and it’s unfortunate that he’s painted in such a negative light.
I like that Marshall said “I’m not making any accusations” and that he would just like Vatican to look into it. I thought that was a pretty measured response.
It’s not a measured response when someone such as Taylor Marshall, famous, in part, for writing a book on how the Church has been infiltrated, reveals to the public evidence that his Wikipedia page has been hijacked from within the Vatican IT department. He may say that he just wants it investigated, but this could have been handled in private through the proper channels without the spectacle. Now it appears he can sit back and let the his supporters speculate and make accusations while he has license to plead innocence. It’s difficult to see a pure motive for his public announcement when it’s easy to foresee the sensation this would cause without a proportionally just reason for it.
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