Tears of Blood Appear on Virgin Mary Statue

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When I was a girl…oh maybe 10 or 12 I don’t remember now. There was a news story of apparitions on a tabernacle cloth in a small rural church in PA.

I insisted that my father drive me there. It was a full day trip going to and from. When I arrived at my destination, I was surprised by the antiquity and smallness of the church…so close to the road on top of a hill…it was so absolutely tiny. I knelt at the Blessed Sacrament and saw what I had hoped to see.
If you wouldn’t mind telling us the story in a little bit more detail, I’d be interested. 😉 Just no boil pictures!!! 😃

I have to say, I come at these types of stories from a very skeptical angle, but I’d like to be wrong in what my initial suspicions are. Perhaps my overly skeptical attitude is something I need to soften.
We were saying that if Catholics believe the Eucharist is what we say it is, then why are people making such a big deal about a statue?
The Eucharist is Christ, but you can’t see that. The statue of the Blessed Virgin is a type of miracle that is readily visible, and thus it is a sign of hope and an affirmation of faith. Really. I have trouble with faith, and I do see how things like this, if they’re true of course, are comforting, to some degree.
The fallacy of protestant thinking about Mary is one thing. They just don’t understand the teachings. For Catholics to not venerate her and honor her as everything she is seems really deplorable to me. Some may take it too far, but at least - at LEAST they have their heart in the right place. The same can’t be said for Catholics who under-appreciate the Mother of God.

Who said I don’t honor her? that I under appreciate her? I named one of my daughters in her honor! I am saying that the way the news media is exhibiting this statue is to make these people look silly and at the same time they are painting all catholics with the same brush. I don’t like how they spend 3 minutes interviewing people about how this has changed their lives and how they stay camped out in front of the statue and then the last five seconds they read the statement from the diocese saying that it may or may not be a miracle, but regardless these things can increase faith. Sure thats a good thing. What I refuse to do is make a spectacle so that the local news can do more Crazy Catholic stories. I felt the same way when people started a shrine at an underpass because waterstains on the underpass looked somewhat like Our Lady of Guatelupe.
Dear decn2b

quote: decn2b
I can gurantee you that this person has no rememberence of PRE vat II. My priest is 53 years old and he doesn’t even remember much of anything pre vat II. I am 40 years old, I find it very very hard to believe that someone 45 years old claims to have memories of living through the council. THis person was 5 years old when the coucil convened
Well, I’m 59, and I sure remember “pre-Vatican II.”
I believe I was 16, when popular magazines of the period
ran photo-essays etc. on the Council. [1962 ?]

And, I sure hope that this statute does turn out to
be a miraculous occurance. Might even rattle an
ol’ lapsed Catholic like me.

reen12 :tiphat:
All I can say is:

“Immaculate Heart of Mary, I put all my trust in thee!”
I am withholding all judgment one way or the other until a laboratory analysis has been done on the substance draining from the statue’s left eye.

Sorry if I seem overly skeptical, but I’ve seen reports of this kind of thing while I was a charismatic/pentecostal Protestant, such as people being covered with gold dust during prayer meetings–dust that turned out to be gold-colored plastic powder blown through the church’s ventilation system.

I am withholding all judgment one way or the other until a laboratory analysis has been done on the substance draining from the statue’s left eye.

I hear there will beno analysis or investigation. I wonder why?
I hear there will beno analysis or investigation. I wonder why?
Where did you hear this? I did a search and found no such information.
I can gurantee you that this person has no rememberence of PRE vat II. My priest is 53 years old and he doesn’t even remember much of anything pre vat II. I am 40 years old, I find it very very hard to believe that someone 45 years old claims to have memories of living through the council. THis person was 5 years old when the coucil convened.
ok, so she’s lying about her age. 😉
I am withholding all judgment one way or the other until a laboratory analysis has been done on the substance draining from the statue’s left eye.

Sorry if I seem overly skeptical, but I’ve seen reports of this kind of thing while I was a charismatic/pentecostal Protestant, such as people being covered with gold dust during prayer meetings–dust that turned out to be gold-colored plastic powder blown through the church’s ventilation system.

I agree Dave. I’m sure the Church is just as skeptical if not more so. People just want so bad to have a sign like this that they are too quick to believe these things. I do pray the Church finds this is for real though.
I am a Protestant who believes in miracles. There exists a Holy Grail, and a True Cross, and the Ark of the Covenant is guarded in Ethiopia.
I don’t know if the statue is true or not. Only time will tell. But keep an open mind. Remember Bernadette at Lourdes and the children at Fatima. They were also doubted.
johnshelby said:

I have no idea what to think of that article. It does say though that “Ethiopia’s claim to the lost Ark of the Covenant is a contentious one.”

I personally believe that the Ark of the Covenant has been lost forever, simply because Mary, the Mother of God is the New Ark of the Covenant.
It is apparent that you do not believe in holy relics. Many do believe. I am one of those who believe. The Ark is a holy relic. It should be venerated as should all holy relics. You must know that the Jews gave us the foundation for our religion. Christ himself was a Jew. Your posting seems very cynical to me. Remember the Crusaders who gave their lives so that Christians could visit the sacred places in the holy land.
I have no idea what to think of that article. It does say though that “Ethiopia’s claim to the lost Ark of the Covenant is a contentious one.”

I personally believe that the Ark of the Covenant has been lost forever, simply because Mary, the Mother of God is the New Ark of the Covenant.
actually, i have never really studied it, if it is there, that won’t
change Mary’s position as the New Ark… and it would actually
seem to me, to be more important to the Jewish community
then to the christian community…

as Christians we know about the Ark of the covenant we
have with God… she was taken ‘body and soul’ to heaven…

i had just seen that visitors site a while back and recalled that
they claimed to have the Ark there…

It is apparent that you do not believe in holy relics. Many do believe. I am one of those who believe. The ark is a holy relic. Mary is not. She is the mother of Christ. Please don’t compare her to an object. Your posting seems very cynical to me. Remember the Crusaders who gave their lives so that Christians could visit the sacred places in the holy land.
I look at it this way. We can no longer find the “holy relics” of Adam and Eve simply because God replaced them with the New Adam and Eve; Jesus and Mary.

If Mary is the New Ark of the Covenant, the OT Ark of the Covenant is no more. I do not believe God would allow the “holy relics” of the Ark to be guarded by anyone.

no just realistic.
Where did you hear this? I did a search and found no such information.
I read it yesterday Beckyann. It was a side comment on a couple of news articles. If I find the link I will post it.
So my question is this: Do you believe that Bernadette actually saw the Virgin Mary? Did the three children at Fatima see her?
Will your realism allow you to believe, or was it just a sham?
I believe that they saw her and experienced a miracle. I also believe that many holy relics survived. They exist and should be venerated. We should all keep an open mind.
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