Teenage girls watching young gay men put on makeup. Is this harmful?

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Has anyone else noticed this trend? Joe Rogan said his teenage daughter watches a popular gay make up artist on YouTube. These people in his words are getting more views than almost anyone. What’s the fascination? What’s the harm? Gay men like teenage girls probably like makeup. So what’s the big deal if for some reason a teenage girl prefers to watch a gay man put on makeup? Still why? Why not watch someone of your sex etc doing it. I have some ideas but I’m curious to see the thoughts others have. Ps I’m sure some guys watch these makeup videos too.
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I guess to the extent that it promotes transgenderism it’s problematic, but I see it as more goofy than anything.
I don’t know enough about the context to know whether this would be problematic. It could be if it’s promoting gender fluidity or transgenderism.

That said, there’s nothing inherently feminine or unmanly about make up… that’s purely cultural. At one point, gentlemen certainly did wear make up.

I was looking at a photo of a very traditional leaning bishop yesterday. He was vested in purple with lots of lace and wearing pinkish gloves. Outside of the traditional Catholic liturgical setting, a typical conservative American would probably point and say “look at that flamboyant gay man!” But of course once upon a time pink and purple and lace was the height of masculinity.
I don’t know enough about the context to know whether this would be problematic. It could be if it’s promoting gender fluidity or transgenderism.
This is my answer 100%
The YouTuber in question, James Charles, has been accused of catfishing straight guys at his high school to get them to send pictures of their junk. I wouldn’t want my daughter watching that guy.

But, in general, I wouldn’t want my daughter watching gay guys do very gay things to avoid normalizing it in their minds.
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The YouTuber in question, James Charles, has been accused of catfishing straight guys at his high school to get them to send pictures of their junk. I wouldn’t want my daughter watching that guy.

But, in general, I wouldn’t want my daughter watching gay guys do very gay things to avoid normalizing it in their minds.
I think the point being made was that make-up isn’t necessarily a gay thing. So would it be ok to watch a man explaining how to put make up on if he was straight?
This is not inherently harmful. The question is who is doing it and in what context? If some gay man puts on makeup for the sake of it then I would say this is not harmful. Many people in theater use makeup and this is not harmful either. The only time I would say this is harmful is if someone is using this to lure or solicit unwanted behaviors from others.
A straight guy can do gay things like paint his face in a really feminine way. I know the acceptability of makeup and kinds of makeup is culturally subjective, but, just because it’s subjective, it doesn’t mean that it does not matter. I don’t want my children thinking that acting flamboyantly is okay.
There is a long history of teen girls liking “slash”, which is stories consisting of young and somewhat effeminate guys in romantic relationships.

The psychological theory is that this is a way for shy,awkward girls to explore romantic relationships, but at a very safe remove.

Prolly this is an extension of that.
A straight guy can do gay things like paint his face in a really feminine way. I know the acceptability of makeup and kinds of makeup is culturally subjective, but, just because it’s subjective, it doesn’t mean that it does not matter. I don’t want my children thinking that acting flamboyantly is okay.
So you object to flamboyant gays. ‘Straight’ gays would be ok?
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Seems okay to me, as long as the video is focusing on makeup how-tos and not on the man’s sex life. When I was a kid growing up 50 years ago, there were plenty of gay men doing hair and makeup at every salon my mother went to and took me to, and many gay men were doing theatrical makeup and designing fashions as well if you were involved with those things. It was just understood that a lot of gay men have an interest in beauty, makeup, hair, fashion etc. and some are very talented at their work.
Women like watching gay guys and men like watching lesbians. It is arousing and a way to excite lust. This tendency is as old as civilization. Men are more direct about it and women are more discrete and sneaky, but it’s true. There is an entire market that caters to this sort of thing and it makes boatloads of $$$.
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I wouldn’t want any children of mine watching this, mostly because I don’t want to normalize homosexuality in their minds. Children pick up role models everywhere, and I would say many of them idolize the youtubers they watch. If it’s one video for a tutorial or something that wouldn’t be bad, but if it’s a consistent watching of these individuals that wouldn’t be good at all.

This is all coming from someone who used to watch these kinds of men and videos.
Women like watching gay guys and men like watching lesbians. It is arousing and a way to excite lust.
I can’t speak for men, but I don’t know of ANY woman who enjoyed watching a gay guy do hair, makeup, fashion etc to excite her lust. Women watch that stuff to learn to make themselves look pretty. At most they might wish the gay man was their friend so he could do their makeup and hair and help them get dressed up. They might also like the idea of having a man friend who doesn’t make sexual advances towards them.

If the idea was to get oneself excited, most girls preferred to watch a guy who was straight or at least bi doing the things men do to attract women, such as show off their muscles, act as a romantic leading man in a movie with a woman as a love interest, or play in a rock band.

The kind of women you’re talking about, of whom a small percentage do exist, get excited by watching two men carrying on romantically with each other - not watching a gay man do makeup.
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I’m a teenage girl, and literally nobody watches makeup tutorials to “lust” after the people in them, including the men. We just like watching the fun makeup looks (and many people like reading up on the drama in beauty guru communities). Lust isn’t really involved at all.
I wouldn’t want any children of mine watching this, mostly because I don’t want to normalize homosexuality in their minds. Children pick up role models everywhere, and I would say many of them idolize the youtubers they watch. If it’s one video for a tutorial or something that wouldn’t be bad, but if it’s a consistent watching of these individuals that wouldn’t be good at all.
If only we knew someone who’d actually watched these videos and could tell us if they led them astray.
This is all coming from someone who used to watch these kinds of men and videos.
at least as far as pornograpby is concerned, about 1/3rd of the gay pornograpby involving men is consumed by women.
Um, did you even read my post? I said that some women get turned on by watching two men carrying on with each other, which would include gay pornography. I’m well aware that some women get turned on by it - emphasis on the SOME women, as a lot of women are not interested or are even grossed out by it; it’s not a universal thing by any means.

This thread is about watching a gay man doing makeup.

Not about pornography. You’re going way off topic.
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