Teenage girls watching young gay men put on makeup. Is this harmful?

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You can have SSA and not consider yourself part of the LGBT community.
You can have SSA and not consider yourself part of the LGBT community.
Maybe you know people who are part of that community. I know a few people who are gay and their community seems to be the one to which I belong. Then again I know quite a few straight people whose ‘community’ and lifestyle is completely different to mine.

I don’t think you’d like their community or lifestyle either.
I don’t think teenage girls should watch any gay person on YouTube. Obviously, you can’t help what they see at school, but you can try to give them good ideas about femininity and masculinity at home. Then later, they’ll see it’s an aberration for a man to even think about makeup unless he’s on camera or on the stage. It’s an aberration for a man to act effete.

So when my sister allowed her son to dye his hair pink, I thought that was a mistake. Another son she allowed to put on a blonde wig. Another mistake. You have to let them know these things are bad.
As a parent of two tweens, YouTube videos can be highly disturbing as I try to teach my kids to be Catholic. In most cases, the gay men are promoting LGBTQ culture in the videos 😠, and normalizing the lifestyle. I would object to my kids watching things that normalize this in their impressionable young minds.

The LGBTQ community openly admits that they hope such things will encourage children to become one of them. I have seen some of these videos while searching for makeup tips myself, and definitely won’t be showing them to my daughter. There are plenty of tutorials by women, and the skin and features of women call for a different application of the products, anyways.
Yes. It is done through a non-threatening median but it can be very effective at hooking in girls who are fascinated/interested in the lives of gay men.
The LGBTQ community openly admits that they hope such things will encourage children to become one of them.
Does the “LGBT community” have an official spokesperson who speaks for all other LGBT people? And who belongs to the “LGBT community”? Does it have an official membership list?
My wife loves Randy on “Say Yes To The Dress”, and his sexual identity has zero to do with his interactions on that show.
My wife actually met him once randomly and said he’s an incredibly nice guy.
We should always treat people well. And we should pray for their souls.

If it is evident that the man is gay on the video, then one could pray specifically for that problem along with any other barriers to holiness in his life.

That may provide an idea of what to say to your daughters.
I’m confused by some of the responses: is the OP talking about a gay man applying makeup on his own face or a gay man applying makeup on others - women. There are gay men who are makeup artists, fashion designers, home interior decorators, hair stylists. (and doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. etc.) Putting aside their sexual preference, they are earning a living.
The LGBTQ community openly admits that they hope such things will encourage children to become one of them.
Does the “LGBT community” have an official spokesperson who speaks for all other LGBT people? And who belongs to the “LGBT community”? Does it have an official membership list?
Yes. And yes. You just didn’t get the memo. 😉
A straight guy can do gay things like paint his face in a really feminine way.
I don’t understand how that is a “gay thing”. I know quite a lot of gay men and none of them wear makeup. You seem to be making the mistake of thinking that being straight means being masculine and being gay means being feminine. Some gay men I know are muscular guys with shaven heads who wear jeans and bomber jackets and boots. I know gay and bi men who’ve been deployed in the Middle East with the British army. And then on the other hand I know straight men who are hairdressers.
I’m confused by some of the responses: is the OP talking about a gay man applying makeup on his own face or a gay man applying makeup on others - women.
Depends. James Charles will usually be making himself up, but he also has videos where he makes women up. Jeffree Star is much more about making up either himself or making up other men. However, when James and Jeffree make themselves up, they basically look like women, and a woman seeking to learn makeup tips to use on herself, or to become a makeup artist herself, could easily learn how from watching them. To some extent it’s also about marketing their makeup palettes and stuff which of course a woman could use on herself.
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That said, there’s nothing inherently feminine or unmanly about make up… that’s purely cultural. At one point, gentlemen certainly did wear make up.
Do tell.
I was looking at a photo of a very traditional leaning bishop yesterday. He was vested in purple with lots of lace and wearing pinkish gloves. Outside of the traditional Catholic liturgical setting, a typical conservative American would probably point and say “look at that flamboyant gay man!” But of course once upon a time pink and purple and lace was the height of masculinity.
Those materials and dyes were expensive at that time. It was a status symbol.
The LGBTQ community openly admits that they hope such things will encourage children to become one of them.
Does the “LGBT community” have an official spokesperson who speaks for all other LGBT people? And who belongs to the “LGBT community”? Does it have an official membership list?
Yes. And yes. You just didn’t get the memo. 😉
Me neither. Have you got his or her contact details? Thanks.
You are assuming it’s a “he” or a “she.” What do you mean by these terms?
It’s not so much that I think femininity is gay because the way flamboyant men act is cringey even for a lady. Really, when I think of gay behavior, I think of men pretty much advertising that they are gay and make it a point to stand out as much as possible with their social and sexual deviancy in a rather stomach-churning sort of way.
You are assuming it’s a “he” or a “she.” What do you mean by these terms?
Ah. I see what you did there. You made a point about gender identity! Well done.

Well, just send me contact details for whoever it is who speaks for whole of the gay community. Thanks.
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