Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Previous Poster

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Barthlolo is actually Rich Uncle Pennybags. In order to keep his mustache pure white, he inflicts misfortunate upon people by making them pay $75 in luxury tax for his grooming habits. Not to mention that the mustache is a fake.
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coughs I’m a she.
You’re ten shes. Youngster at 16 is the younger generation of a farming commune in Northern California. Since they’re allowed only one computer they choose to represent themselves online as one poster.
This is the ‘Outrageous Lies’ thread…we don’t give or acknowledge ‘likes’…we just tell outrageous lies…oh…wait…I get it…Zaccheus liking anything is an outrageous lie…very good - carry on…
Boldly go has been waiting ever since the forum migration was announced to make that post. Now he will finally sleep.
mVitus sent a private email to me announcing that he is a Hindu-priest.
Zaccheus hails from Lilliput…he’s four inches tall, and dances on his keyboard to communicate online.
IWantGod, ixnay on the priestnay. Shh.


Boldly go has taken his time away to cross-breed the rats with merino cats and train them under the tutelage of the capybaras. He is currently setting up for the beginning of the animal clone wars.
mVitus loves hiking in the Peruvian mountains. It keeps him in shape, but mainly he is hunting for Inca treasures to sell on the black market. He is not very successful though.
On rainy October nights, Bartholo fills his sink with water and stares into it, pondering his reflection. He is not trying to divine some insight into the future; he simply thinks and listens to the sound of the rain pitter-pattering on the bay windows. It prepares him for the long, dark, winters ahead.

Bartholo lives in the Northern Hemisphere, to be clear.
IWantGod has successfully bred a new variety of dog.
This new breed has three testicles and is more easily trainable than most breeds.
Zaccheus got hit by a car on his way to see these dogs, with interest to get himself one of these dogs. It didn’t stop him from getting to these dogs however, he paid a good deal of money to get a pup that he can’t afford to go to the emergency room for his rather serious injuries. He ended up having to sell his house, but at least he has his dog. By the way, he was easily trained to run away by the original owner, so you can guess how that turned out.
When youngsterat learned about the breed, he too went. His vehicle was a sled drawn by roscobal rats and giant spiders chased him on the way. When he got there, the dogs did not like rats and he was soon on the run.
mVitus’s computer keyboard is faulty and does not always register when he presses the letter S.
I’m just saying that having swim suits cut to the length of a shorty wetsuit but still made with normal fabric will stop people complaining about women in bikinis and men being able to go topless. 😇 Not to mention how fashionable onesies will prevent you from having to match clothes from a selection of unmatchable colors or lose your pants ever again.

christofirst is part of the deep state conspiracy of the internet and is the real one inserting gender confusion into the arena. Everyone knows the everybody on the internet is a man, real world facts be darned.

@youngsterat16, whoops.
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mVitus is part of a conspiracy and is actually an it. It wants to get rid of all reprodutive organs and make humans go extinct
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