Tell me how you share your daily suffering with Christ

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This “sharing your suffering with Christ” is something I’d like to achieve. I’ve never done it really. Prayed a few times when things got tough. That’s all. I’m just wondering if some of you can be a source of inspiration for me. And maybe others.
So in your daily life, you might have the following small challenges to encounter:
-stiff back in the morning:
-partner yells at you for not doing something properly
-Cant find a good car park at the shopping centre
-Cashier gets grumpy with you
-Another driver cuts in front of you so you have to slow down
-Your dog misbehaves at the park
-you receive several insults online
-your make a mistake in cooking which spoils your food
-you receive a bill in the mail for over 1000 dollars
-other bills are piling up
-someone complains about your performance at work
-your leg pain just doesn’t seem to go away

So are these big enough concerns to share your suffering with Christ? How do you share your sufferings with Christ exactly? Just pray, everytime you get a small challenge?
When Christ had a choice to make He did what He knew was the right thing to do. Those choices certainly caused Him to suffer. He suffered for the will of His Father and for the good of humanity. We can also suffer in this way.

It’s not necessary to verbalize, externally or internally, your offer of suffering. Its just necessary to do the right thing because you know that doing the right things is the will of God, even though it may bring suffering.

It’s difficult for people to make decisions without considering self preservation, comfort, etc…

Suffering from diseases?? IDK. I guess just offer it up.
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It’s not necessary to verbalize, externally or internally, your offer of suffering. Its just necessary to do the right thing because you know that doing the right things is the will of God, even though it may bring suffering.
Not even acknowledge Jesus Christ, God in our pain? I find that surprising to say the least.
And sometimes the right thing is not obvious at all.
Of course you should acknowledge Jesus in your pain! Offer everything up to him, every little annoyance. Bear with others patiently, and offer the trials up to Jesus. You can ask Him to use these experiences to transform you into His image (because patiently bearing things will make you more like Jesus!)

You should also be asking Him for wisdom when you’re unsure how to respond. You might be surprised how much Jesus is trying to instill a deep sense of humility in you once you start giving these annoyances to Him. 😉

I believe we can ask Jesus to use our pain to save our loved ones or to save other souls from Hell, or to relieve souls in Purgatory. Ask Him to use your sufferings for the good of His Kingdom, and to give you more graces to be able to bear them. This isn’t limited only to physical pain, either.

I’d suggest reading the diary of St. Therese the Little Flower. I want to reread it soon myself. She talks beautifully about offering up our trials to Jesus.

Jesus suffered so much as He bore His cross. Don’t ignore your suffering…He is with you in that moment, so ask Him to use it and REDEEM that suffering into something beautiful.
Any and all physical pain, personal injustice suffered, persecution for your beliefs, and even mental or psychological sufferings are great to offer on behalf of your intentions. Of course, this requires that your intentions are well formulated via application of the various virtues.

In my case, I have developed a nightmare medical resume over the past 10 years. Lots of opportunities to offer things up. I choose the conversion of sinners for my intention, as one simply cannot go wrong there.
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You’ve given me lots to think over there. Thanks for your thoughtful response.
In my case, I have developed a nightmare medical resume over the past 10 years. Lots of opportunities to offer things up. I choose the conversion of sinners for my intention, as one simply cannot go wrong there.
Thanks for sharing that. sounds like you have some awful physical issues. May God ease your suffering.
Thank you! Gonna sound crazy, but I seek to embrace, even to enjoy the suffering that comes my way for love of God. I have Christ and the great Saints (i.e. Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and Bernadette among many others) as my models.

I have a verrrrrry long way to go.
I think one barrier for me has been I felt that my suffering was so petty compared to His. (on the Cross) That it would be egotistical to think that I could share my suffering with someone who had an absolutely agonising death.
I’ve never fully grasped the concept of Jesus dying for our sins. I don’t quite get it. I’ve noticed that any Christian, Catholic or not, who fully gets this meaning, has stronger faith.
Man! you are like those saints that prayed for more pain? No I wont ever get to that stage.
It is love. Pure love. Love desires the good of the “other.”

Love does not count the cost.

It is so simple that we often miss it.

It is love. Pure love. Love desires the good of the “other.”

Love does not count the cost.

It is so simple that we often miss it.
well put. I can tell you’ve got it. Once we fully comprehend the magnitude of that love, we get it.
The three theologiclal virtues are faith, hope and love. Faith is our bedrock. Nurtured, it blossoms into hope, which drives us on, and it matures into love - the greatest of the virtues. For this reason, at the start of each Rosary, we offer the three “Hail, Mary” prayers that we may experience an increase in the virtues of faith, hope and love.
It is love. Pure love. Love desires the good of the “other.”

Love does not count the cost.

It is so simple that we often miss it.

Yes, this! God’s love for us is fierce and wild and joyful, and without any bounds. It is as unfamothable as it is freely given to each of us. This side of Heaven, we’ll never truly comprehend the love God has for us, that He would come down and humble Himself on the Cross.

Believe me, he doesn’t think your little trials and annoyances are petty. He is eager to meet you where you are, and where I am. The beauty of Catholicism is that nothing goes to waste. He can use all of our suffering and agonies and use them for something great.

@po18guy…you have a beautiful spirit in your suffering. I’m not there yet, either! I pray for healing for you. Pray for us!
Yes, this! God’s love for us is fierce and wild and joyful, and without any bounds
When someone writes like this I ask myself “how can they know God so well?”
I honestly get the vibe that you do know God well. That you are neither fake nor imagining it.
I’m starting to meet some real McCoys now on CAF. This is what I came for. To find people with real faith! God bless you both.
You are very kind. I do not pray for a lessening of suffering; rather for the grace to sustain me through it. Our joy stems from the fact that we know that God never fails us. Some of us are victim souls - this was revealed to me several years ago at adoration. I have received spiritual advice to moderate my desire for suffering, so I will embrace that which comes my way.

As to suffering, I maintain that it is far better to feel the flames in this life than in the next.
More like a dollar store philosopher, actually. What I have learned, I have learned the hard way. We all learn. I just forget to forget.
I normally weep after receiving communion. When you are drowning in an ocean of mercy, your eyes will be wet.
I really would like to obtain to that perfect love so I can suffer in a better way.
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