Tell me how you share your daily suffering with Christ

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When you love someone, you desire to spend time with them. Christ waits at adoration. Why not go and simply spend time with Him? It’s addictive, but love grows in His presence - it is impossible not to experience an increase in love.

Love - the greatest of the theological virtues. God’s love in unconditional. Our love is under our control. It is a conscious choice we make. Go and spend time with our Lord and you cannot help but increase in love.

Again, so simple that we often miss it completely.
I wish I could go but I am not able to drive and I have a hard time motivating myself to even pray. I was just reading a book that had a good method for going to Adoration and I really want to be able to use this time fruitfully. I had the chance to go today but I didn’t nor did I give proper thanksgiving after receiving him. I do hope that I will be able to go tomorrow

Romans 8:28 And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.
1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Love is such a beautiful thing. How I wish I had even a bit of such a virtue.
Modern day St John of the Cross. You’re a mystic I feel.
Spiritual dryness is reserved for the faithful. Although a test of your faith, you know Who is doing the testing and therefore, you are allowed to feel that range of sensations and emotions. But - it is a hotel and not a permanent residence. My suggestion is to read the Book of Tobit - the version in the Douay-Rheims or Knox bible if you can.

They are based on Saint Jerome’s work and have been called idiosyncratic. This a great recommendation, as Saint Jerome is probably the greatest scripture scholar who ever drew breath. His translation is more human, warmer, even delightful. There is the sadness of exile. Lamentation. Death. Tears instead of feasting. Inexplicable suffering. An improbable journey and loss of hope.

Yet, the mysterious Lord works His miracles. Through faith and perseverance, all was restored - even blessings multiplied - and an Archangel (one of the seven) was revealed. I tear up each time I read it. My favorite verse?
TOBIT 12:13 “And because thou wast acceptable to God, it was necessary that temptation should prove thee.” D-R

“Then, because thou hadst won his favour, needs must that trials should come, and test thy worth.” Knox
Ponder that for a moment or two. Because you are acceptable to God, it is necessary that you be tested to show your worth. This is evidence of God’s infinite love for you.

I can find no greater comfort.
If the Lord can do this in my case, imagine what He is capable of with you. It all traces back to a moment of weakness in which I consciously decided to be submissive to the Holy Spirit.
Wisdom 3: 5-8 also has a beautiful explanation on suffering maybe you could post it for me since I am on mobile right now.
Glad to. For a little context:
But the souls of the just are in God’s hands, and no torment, in death itself, has power to reach them. 2 Dead? Fools think so; think their end loss, 3 their leaving us, annihilation; but all is well with them. 4 The world sees nothing but the pains they endure; they themselves have eyes only for what is immortal; 5 so
light their suffering, so great the gain they win! God, all the while,
did but test them, and testing them found them worthy of him. 6 His
gold, tried in the crucible, his burnt-sacrifice, graciously accepted,
they do but wait for the time of their deliverance; 7 then
they will shine out, these just souls, unconquerable as the sparks that
break out, now here, now there, among the stubble.[1]
What wonderful verses! And the “proving” or the “testing” points to being tried in a furnance, like clay being hardened into a useable vessel, or gold being refined until it’s pure and ready to be used. We are as clay that the Master Potter can mold, and should submit to the refining fire until there is no more dross.

Like the song:

Refiner’s fire!
My heart’s one desire,
Is to be holy
Set apart for you, my Maker,
Ready to do your will.

Well I start the day always with daily offering prayers, which basically offer my sufferings, works, joys prayers etc. to God. Their are several to choose from, many offer them to His Sacred Heart and can mention our salvation and the intentions of our families and friends. That’s a nice way to start. Here’s one if you want to look.

Yes those things can be something to offer to Jesus for sure, nothing is too small. Especially if you accept it graciously, like don’t answer your partner back when she yells at you even if she is wrong, just humbly do as she asks and pray in your head offering it to Jesus. You know I say ‘For love of you Jesus’ as I mentioned it the other day, but say whatever you like, you and Jesus have your own language, I think I picked that up from one of the saints. It’s pretty hard to bite back a retort and the little suffering is well worth the effort. Pain should be shared, in fact I don’t know how people survive pain without sharing it with Jesus. You can most certainly share and offer this suffering with Jesus, He certainly knows all about pain. I find Him the King of comfort in pain. In fact I think He is the only one who truly understands it all.
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another thoughtful post on this thread from another real mcoy. I can truly sense your level of faith. I have to say I am envious, thanks again.
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I’m on CAF several times a week, often on the Political Forum. Isn’t that sufficient sharing of my suffering?
My crosses are about getting along with people. Sometimes the best way to get along-carry your cross- is by staying away from bothersome people. It can make things worse for the relationship if you are with them, but are both irritated.
or reading about American political news every day? Trump this, trump that. (not that I like or dislike Trump by the way).
My crosses are about getting along with people. Sometimes the best way to get along-carry your cross- is by staying away from bothersome people. It can make things worse for the relationship if you are with them, but are both irritated
You would be the same as 90% of people I’d say. I avoid "difficult " people at work. In saying that, they would define me as “difficult” as well.
My spiritual director said that maybe what I should do is be a “prayer warrior”, since that’s a way of showing love for people. Whether you’re with bothersome people or not, you still love them. But show in a way where you’re not irritating them , or they you.
Actually I think if you can master relationships with people, life is a breeze. I’ve always struggled.
I understand what you mean. It’s like sometimes you want your faith to be challenged so that you can rely on God. And without asking, you get your wish!
At some point, we must simply abandon ourselves - completely - to divine providence. It was the most self-negating experience of my life. It is my firm belief that God was waiting for me to simply trust Him. And, when I handed my life over to Him, He gave it back to me. It brings tears to contemplate it.
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