The question is not whether we CAN abstain, but whether we SHOULD abstain.
Yes, you should abstain. it is the best course of action.
It is best for your wife’s well being. It will strengthen your marriage, and it will make sex better because it will be intentional and integrated with all the other virtues you are asked to develop.
Sexual morality and all of morality is not aimed at deprivation, it is aimed at goodness. By the practice of virtue your married life will grow stronger, more vibrant, and more intense. Your objections are focused on the prohibitive part of morality. Focus on the good that God has promised the two of you and pursue it.
It is worth it, because you are married for life and many other challenges and joys will come along. You want to fully participate in those, and the practice of virtue will open that up for you.
Trust me on this. I’ve been married for 30 years and I thought at one time that denial of sex was the end of the world. It was not, and I learned that the hard way. Life goes on.
After developing some discipline together our marriage began to grown in ways that I never imagined. And yes, good holy sex became better holier sex…in the right context.