Texas Election Lawsuit added to Supreme Court Docket

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It’s my understanding that one of the points of the Texas suit concerns those states that did not equally apply their standards and violated the equal protection clause regarding the electors clause. That’s why it’s limited to certain states.
Therein is the logic bomb. Choosing on the four states that were needed, and not others with the same procedures that Trump won, is itself a violation of the equal protection clause.
The remedy is to send it back to these states and the legislatures will select the electors, not the possibly compromised elections.
That is not a remedy that makes sense. First, there has not been any evidence presented to sway any judge at any level that this is even true. Second, sending it to the legislators because you imagine the election to be compromised is a bit like protect the hen house from wolves by having a tiger inside.
Sure win if Cruz argues the case.
I had to click on LSN just to see who said that they would prevail. The quote is from “Texas”.

And the mainstream media is called fake news.
2 things that stand out to me:

The text of the Constitution requires federal courts to ensure that state courts do not rewrite state election laws ( the court had “UNANIMOUSLY" affirmed this in Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board, an antecedent to Bush v. Gore).

Alito and Thomas have previously stated that SCOTUS is obligated to hear interstate law suits.
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They mentioned some amendment in one discussion, maybe the 14th.
Or the Eleventh:

The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.
SCOTUS says no. Motion denied.

Alito and Thomas would have granted cert, but not an emergency injunction on technical grounds.

All other justices reject everything.

Case dismissed.

Edit: Alito and Thomas are clear that they did NOT agree with Texas’ plan to reject the votes from the four states, just that they thought the Court was obligated to hear the case constitutionally.

Worth emphasizing here: ALL NINE justices rejected Texas’ motion to block the electors.
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7-2 against even hearing this case. Alito stated he would have heard the case but said up front he would not have granted any relief.

So the highest court has spoken and the election stands. Further action to stop the president-elect in favor of a political coup for the incumbent should result in criminal charges of treason.
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