Texas GOP Chair Allen West Suggests ‘Law-Abiding States’ Should ‘Form A Union’ After Supreme Court Rejects Lawsuit On Election Results

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I think as long as Michael Cohen’s other client still has a tv show in the evening and a radio show in the afternoon, there’s an audience.

Many times I’ve heard that pundits like Sean Hannity Rush Limbaugh etc were entertainers and extreme outliers in the Republican Party. The actual Republicans were more moderate.

Trump, who over the years had flipped and flopped what his political beliefs were was almost a tabula rasa to absorb these extremist ideologies.

His personality is such that he got his narcissistic fix with the rallies and the Tweets. The negative attention bothered his ego, and the positive attention ( retweets, and likes) fed it.

That he cares about any ideology is laughable.

I remember one of the moments when I realized I couldn’t vote for him. He told Chris Matthews that women would need to go to illegal places for abortions.
TRUMP: I would – I am against – I am pro-life, yes.

MATTHEWS: What is ban – how do you ban abortion? How do you actually do it?

TRUMP: Well, you know, you go back to a position like they had where people will perhaps go to illegal places
His personality is such that he got his narcissistic fix with the rallies and the Tweets. The negative attention bothered his ego, and the positive attention ( retweets, and likes) fed it.
The mental illness, that which we can’t talk about, feeds it all.

It’s so obvious to some but not others.
Colonel West speaks a great truth.
He’s not a lawyer – he’s a congressman turned out of office after one term. Michael Steele thinks differently. As to the members of the House who supported the TX lawsuit he said: ““The act itself by the 126 members of the United States House of Representatives, is an affront to the country,” said Michael Steele, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee. “It’s an offense to the Constitution and it leaves an indelible stain that will be hard for these 126 members to wipe off their political skin for a long time to come.””

The law abiding states should secede? What is law abiding about that?

If they want to do something illegal, why don’t they come up with something new?

Or is he suggesting something else? States should form a union like the teamsters, autoworkers, etc.? I don’t understand what is being said.
There are hundreds of thousands of Americans itching for a violent conflict. Fortunately most are old white men moaning in front of their computers.

The same people who organized the “unite the right” march in Charlottesville.
There are hundreds of thousands of Americans itching for a violent conflict. Fortunately most are old white men moaning in front of their computers.
“Durrr I’m not a sheep, I’m a sheepdog! Durrrr”
Come with me and you’ll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you’ll see
Into your imagination
We’ll begin with a spin
Traveling in the world of my creation
What we’ll see will defy explanation.
Why not let them secede? This country was founded on secession. Let whoever wishes to secede do so. If Vermont wants to, fine. UP of Michigan? Sure. These states? Why not?
You sure it’s illegal?
I believe some states retained that right as part of their agreement to join the union.
There is no right to secede. This is not even remotely in question from a legal standpoint. This is more fantasizing from people who still can’t accept that Trump lost.
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And then of course parts of Texas should be allowed to secede from the new country of Texas, for consistency’s sake. And so on, and so on …
And then of course parts of Texas should be allowed to secede from the new country of Texas, for consistency’s sake. And so on, and so on …
Of course. Microstates are often better run, anyway. 👍
Seriously though, Canada faced a similar situation when Quebec nearly voted to secede - in a popular referendum, no less! There was quite a bit of discussion of whether they should be allowed to go ‘scot free’ or would they be obliged to pay back all the money the federal government in Ottawa had invested in their province over the years.
That’s not the case this time either.

There is a fundamental disagreement on the role of government, the management of government, and what constitutes moral and just governance.

I have no common ground with leftists. No shared value system, no agreement on what a governments limits on power are.

Why should I be chained to those people?
I don’t advocate sedition very often, but when I do, it’s for nano micro-states.
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