Thank a member time

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Thank you to all members ,all diverse and all on the same path.To all those who include me in prayer.
Praying for everyone’s intentions in mass shortly God bless.
It’s rather hard sometimes to tell the gender of a bear, I admit. They tend to not like it when you flip them over and try to get a look.
Hey, that was supposed to have been expunged from my record! I’m MUCH better now! 😄
Hey, I had this nice post written up only to find out you can just mention ten users in your post. Fine. This will have to do.
Oops sorry ! (especially to @pollylodges )
It much have been the “polly” part that made me think that poster was a woman.
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Grumpy Old Colonel for having a better sense of humour than me. No small achievement.
I like the people I fight with quite a bit. This is the internet; it’s supposed to be a little rough and tumble.

“No man ever loved a friend as I shall love my foes.” Come at me, @SuperLuigi
@Adgloriam and @(name removed by moderator)

Golden Girls music playing

Thank you for being a friend, you’re a pal and a confidant!

And @OraLabora, thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge of chant and the LOTH.

And @FrDavid96 thank you for being one of the few priests who takes time to mingle with is plebeians.
I’m thankful to @thegoodcatholic for displaying uncommon valor in the face of a superior opponent.
I’d like to thank the user that gave me the Mitsubishi song “over the horizon.”
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