** Thanksgiving, Antifa Topples Statues Of George Washington , Abe Lincoln And Veterans To Fight Colonization

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Yes … and we can thank Democratic Senator Joe Biden and Democratic President Jimmy Carter for restoring full citizenship to Confederate General Robert E Lee and Confederate States President Jefferson Davis - Why was that necessary to do - I have no clue and at the time was appalled and dismayed. I also thought it was an absurd waste of taxpayer time and funding - which so much of government - especially our elected politicians do - waste the taxes we the people expect to be used wisely.

And Joe Biden stated that “good people” still raise that Confederate flag [absurd thought I know but he supported them] that GOP governor Nikki Haley removed from the South Carolina State House [which I thought was also excellent by the way].
They might not be Antifa officially, but we can agree that it’s very likely that they’re associated with the Anti-American left. . . .
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They might not be Antifa officially, but we can agree that it’s very likely that they’re associated with the Anti-American left.
Possibly, but not until they’re caught. Until then, it’s all unfounded speculation, and quite possibly detraction.
They might not be Antifa officially, but we can agree that it’s very likely that they’re associated with the Anti-American left. We can also agree that anybody here questioning what I wrote above is sympathetic with the anti-American left.
The people who did this was of the Antifa mind set that Thanksgiving is a sham.
. . . . I don’t remember any instance of any other group except leftists toppling statues. . . . Therefore, it’s very reasonable to assume that it’s a leftist, Antifa-like group. Antifa like groups are middle class anti-Americans that are taught to hate Thanksgiving and I’m sure they feel very morally superior doing it and toppling statues.
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hey might not be Antifa officially
Is there such a thing?
In some people’s minds, there is no Antifa but some groups have been rioting and destroying major property. including statues. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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They know there’s an Antifa. They’re lying. They know that if they and the media repeats it enough, enough will believe them to win elections. Just because others have other priorities (not blaming people for not caring) than informing themselves doesn’t mean we all have to succumb to these mendacious lies. I mean everybody who has been to an American university has met and in some cases been taught by these people.
In some people’s minds, there is no Antifa but some groups have been rioting and destroying major property. including statues.
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They know there’s an Antifa.
I don’t think there is agreement on what is meant by “Antifa Exists.”

For some, this means that there is an organization distributed across the country engaging in coordinated activities.

For some, it’s a catch-all phrase for a range of political orientations that are opposed to some parts of the government.

There are some other interpretations. And, at least for the organizational view, there is no test to determine if any person alleged to be part of Antifa really is or is not.
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