When did I mention contraception or gay marriage? It just so happens that Im not adamently opposed to either in a wide variety of circumstances
Since the atheist rejects ALL gods equally, why would he care whether the others got equal time?
How do you decide on equal time? The number of adherents to a particular religion in your area? Or world-wide? The numbers that attend religious ceremonies on a regular basis? The Church of the FSM? Jeddai? In any case, I don’t think that religion should be promoted outside of religious institutions. I’m a big believer in the separation of church and state. I’ve got no problem with ‘Love the guy next door and don’t covet his lawn mower’ being promoted, or ‘It’s a great idea not to kill each other’, but there are people who might – no, would, take advantage of the fact that we could allow anyone’s religious beliefs to be paraded in public arenas.
There are all sorts of problems deciding in who could say what and where, so the best option is to treat them all equally and say thanks, but no thanks.
Conveniently forgetting the fact that the desire to worship as their conscience dictated was what drove people to come to this country in the first place. “Endowed by their creator” and all that.
You have that now. You’ve always had that. I support it. And I would argue against any move to remove it.
So, you think you have the right to tell me what parents can and cannot teach their children? That’s interesting. The Soviets took a similar approach.
There’s no requirement for parents to be intelligent. If someone wants to keep their kids at home and teach them something stupid, then I will, through gritted teeth, support their right so to do. But you don’t get to do it in public schools. Church and state again.
You personally? I have no way of knowing. What I do know is that atheists have been given their marching orders:
Sorry, I didn’t get the memo.
Let me ask this: How would you feel if Christine said something that caused someone to have faith?
If it was of benefit to that person, then it would be a good thing.
Okay sorry, I over-reacted. Your wife is probably Catholic and you are curious about the faith because of it.
My turn to say sorry. She is not Catholic. I thought you were making too many assumptions about me and I purposely worded what I said in a way to make you think that she could have been Catholic (and hence the reason that I sent the kids to school etc). It was meant to deceive and I apologise for that.
But there are a lot of people who send their kids to Catholic schools who are atheists, and they do belittle the faith teachings. It seems very ironic to me, and they are just using the system because they have money and know that Catholic schools provide a much better education than free public schools.
All I can say is that we I never belittled what they were taught. Indeed, religion was hardly ever (and is hardly ever) discussed at home. Not because we don’t want to – it’s just that it doesn’t form part of who we are. I don’t think that my kids knew I was an atheist until quite late in their lives.
And yes, the local Catholic churches did (and do) offer a better education than the public schools. And yes, it did cost an arm and a leg. But we didn’t hide our beliefs when we applied and they had no problem with it, so who can deny a parent desire to get the best education for their children?
Probably about half the children at Catholic schools are not Catholic nor religious.
I’d say that would be right. In fact, I think the proportion in my children’s schools would have been higher. I don’t know a single one of their peers who has expressed any interest in religion.
The trouble you are causing in this forum.
Well, I probably give you heartburn, Charles. But that would be about it.