The problem with Humanists is that they are riding on the reverberations of the Christian faith that speaks of the specialness of mankind, each person made in the image of and loved by God, our being truly brothers and sisters and one body in Love/Christ. Within its feel-good belief system, there is no philosophical basis for morality, meaning and love. It rests on the reality of God.
Consciousness has many meanings. Let me just say this:
God is the transcendant triune being, who is Love itself.
God is perfect relationality.
There’s no way to communicate what is above, at the same time within and also beyond everything thing. You’re going to have to do a lot of work here. Or not, maybe it will all come in an instant.
God is Life creating all life, Beauty and Truth
We are created in His image as a body-spirit unity.
- We are 100% material participating in a material world
Every thoughtand every perception is correlated to a neurological event
We need a brain to engage in the world
So, consciousness is as the neurologists say, physiological
- There is an order to our thinking, to these words.
The order in itself is insufficient to explain consciousness.
A computer is not a person.
- We are spiritual souls
As such we are relational beings, existing as self-other.
Perceptually we exist through our physical senses, in relation to the physical word around us.
The existence of self and other unite in the perception and through cognition.
We see, hear, taste and touch, we understand and feel, giving of ourselves through those capacities, to what is other.
Reason allows us to be other to ourselves.
Without the soul, none of this happens; you and I are real persons connected to each other as we connect to Reality itself
-Ulimately this relational nature exists because we are in relation to Relationality itself - God.
Coming into being in each and every moment by virtue of His love, we come to know the world around us, albeit through the fog of ignorance caused by the damage done by sin.
That’s the short of it. It’s up to you to do the work. This stuff can’t be spoon-fed.