“stimulated” gives the same away. In other words we are still cogs in the machine of nature and not responsible for our thoughts or actions. If we are simply naked apes we have no choice in the way we respond .
If order is merely conceptual it would be no different from chaos! Do you really believe the progressive development of purposeful, rational beings can be explained entirely by a fortuitous series of purposeless, mindless events?
The atheist’s singularity is impersonal, irrational, mindless, valueless, purposeless, meaningless and incapable of love, development and fulfilment. How does that compare with the Jewish concept of God as a personal, rational, moral, purposeful and creative Being capable of love, development and fulfilment? It is a superior and a more adequate explanation in every respect which corresponds to the way we live - which is the best test of any theory: “By their fruits…”.
“stimulation” again gives the game away! The cogs in the machine are having a whale of a time with their impersonal opinions. “arbitrary” sums up life in a mindless universe perfectly. We can think what we like but we are all wrong. There is no criterion of anything…
And that is precisely where their scheme of things is inconsistent and incoherent. What is the rational foundation of their values? Human opinions? There is not one jot of evidence that matter is intrinsically moral or conscious of anything. If only matter exists nothing matters…