. . . Many usages of the lower case g word are inclusive of the uppercase G. Parsing out the statement “There exist no gods except God” the lowercase god in this sentence is inclusive of all god concepts including God (Yahweh) before separating them on what is thought to exist or non exist.
Generally within this forum I’ve seen people use the term “deity” to refer to any god-concept that is not God (Yahweh). I’ve not yet checked to see if that usage extends far beyond these forums.
Not arguing with you, but wishing to take the opportunity to sound off:
This gets confusing because I would include you and I, all of us, as being lowercase gods.
Whether someone thinks so or not, we exist as creative beings, who can imagine and know beauty and truth.
I do not know how I do this, because I am not God, but I am able to contemplate all this in which we are now participating.
Amazingly, words appear as ideas form, are considered and communicated. From my personal being I reach out to others.
Around me are the chair, table, laptop, walls, phones, all these inanimate objects that are, and were formed through human endeavour.
They’re not gods, they’re stuff. Stuff that we use in our daily lives to carry on in relation to reality and to one another.
It is through our actions that we accomplish what is truly miraculous, the creation of ourselves within the passage of time, someone eternal.
What we have done is what we have done; it is unchanging.
The only hope that some may have is that oblivion will swallow it all up. I am going to assert that if that were the case, it would not now exist, but I cannot demonstrate it.
So, what I am trying to say is that it is not a matter of what we think does or does not exist, when we speak of gods or God; rather, it is an attempt to describe the fundamental truths of Reality.