CS Lewis/Chesterton needed endless chain-smoking and over-eating to support them in their dismal views of life. They spent their lives attacking atheists because they had nothing to defend! They needed religion because without it, they would be unemployed! It was their main source of income, the very fact that they never expressed doubt or fear about their convictions demonstrates that their own opinions were their religions. They worshiped their own opinions of the Bible or the Catholic Magisterium as if they were infallible authorities. Intellectual pride was the fatal flaw at the root of their scheme because the unwillingness to admit we may be wrong is a sign of weakness not strength. It demonstrates they were unreasonable and incapable of intellectual development. As is obvious from census data, “religious believers only very rarely convert from the religion of their childhood.” They are trapped in the hole their ancestors have dug for them.Christopher Hitchens needed alcohol to sustain him in his barren view of life. He spent his life attacking religion because he had nothing to defend! He needed religion because without it he would have been lost! It was his main source of inspiration: the very fact that he never expressed doubt or fear about his convictions demonstrates that atheism was his religion. He worshipped his own opinion as if he were an infallible authority. Intellectual pride was the fatal flaw at the root of his scheme of things because unwillingness to admit we may be wrong is a sign of weakness not strength. It demonstrates that we are unreasonable and incapable of intellectual development. As you point out “The atheists or non-religious mostly remain where they are.” They are trapped in the hole they have dug for themselves.
And a reputation based on notoriety is not worth having. It makes money at the expense of moral integrity. To attack Mother Teresa and Pope Francis who have done far more to help poor people than he ever did is evidence of spiritual decadence. They will be remembered long after he is forgotten because he has left nothing but cynicism and despair. By their fruits you shall know them…
And, a reputation as a “professional religious believer” is not worth having. It makes money at the expense of moral integrity. To attack Freud, Marx, Nietzsche, and Hume who have done far more for our intellectual and cultural dialogue is a sign of mental decadence. The latter will be remembered long after the former are forgotten because they contributed something new and interesting to the conversation of humanity while Lewis and Chesterton engaged in polemics designed to entertain scantily-read anglophones.