I frequently accept claims made which have no consequence in my life. Scientist asserts Pluto is a planet. I take their word for it. End of story. And I have no reason question the claim.…Let’s consider a scenario: “I say that there is an invisible pink unicorn in my basement and it demands that you turn over all your assets to a charity under my supervision”. You can either accept this claim, or reject it. Would you accept it on my say-so? I hope not.
Even if an Invisible Pink Unicorn really did tell you to tell me to hand over money to charity, that can still be true and yet (like the taxonomy/classification of planets) it doesn’t affect me.
Why? Why must I go all the way to Pluto and take measurements for myself when I can just take the word of people who did?…The point is that positive claims must be substantiated before they can be accepted.
If you want atheism to be the default truth position, I have to ask WHY should your (unpersuasive) belief about God occupy that intellectually lazy position?
Even Richard Dawkins is reasonable enough to know that there is a theistic spectrum with agnosticism in the middle, degrees of atheism at one end and degrees of theism at the other.
I thought you said the unicorn wanted me to give my money to charity. Now I’m supposed to give it to you instead?…try to “wiggle out”, then I will ask: “can you prove that there is no IPU in my basement”? If you cannot “prove” it, then please give me all your money.
Tell your ontological unicorn I said “NO”.
That’s not true. Science/empiricism can materially prove (or disprove) negatives.…Negative claims cannot be “proven” (except in axiomatic systems, like mathematics).
…Is there water on the surface of Mars?
…Is that man the child’s biological father?