Fair enough.Who said anything about 100%? You know I haven’t. Beyond reasonable doubt will do it for me. Remember what I said? ‘Based on the evidence that has been presented so far…’
I amend to “beyond a reasonable doubt”.
You say that God exists. You present evidence. I don’t find that evidence convincing. Therefore, until such time as evidence is provided that will change my mind, I do not believe He does exist. My conviction is beyond reasonable doubt.
No-one says that the MV exists (if you can find a quote where someone says it does, then I’ll be with you in saying they are incorrect and that it’s not possible to say so). What people do say is that there are aspects of mathematics that point to the possibility of an MV.

So the fact that Theists assert that God does exist, rather than saying “there are arguments that point to the possibility that God exists” is the dividing line?
So, to be consistent, you should have the same answer.I find those possibilities compelling. That doesn’t mean I believe it exists. There is no evidence for me to make a call beyond reasonable doubt.
Either…“I consider the possibility that God exists, just like I consider the possibility that the MV exists”
OR…“I reject the possibility that God exists, just like I reject the possibility that the MV exists”.
Er, no.Careful, mk. Mention to a Catholic that something they believe is to be found in the bible and all hell breaks loose.
I don’t know why you keep getting this wrong, friend.
Our beliefs are reflected in the Bible.
They just don’t come from the Bible.
Yes.Yes, the church says that this particular portion of the bible is to be trusted. That this portion is to be taken literally. That this portion is not. That this is allegorical. That this bit…well, you can make your own mind up on some of it. But…it is all found in the bible. I mean, that’s what the book is for.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)That’s how we know what Jesus taught
It comes from logic, reason, and the kerygma, which is the good news of our redemption, professed through the Word of God, Jesus Christ, to his apostles, through His Body, the Catholic Church.So again., where did the idea of heaven come from:
Back at 'cha, luv!And in passing, Happy Xmas to everyone. Friend and foe alike (well, there are no foes really). Believers and those without hope
Really?I hope that whatever Christmas means to you , you’ll enjoy it.
Even if it means attending a Black Mass where the Eucharist is blasphemed?
Would you be ok with that?
I am curious about your answer, as an atheist. Since the Eucharist means nothing to you are you of the mind, “Hey, different strokes for different folks!” or are you of the mind, “I don’t believe in God, in Jesus as the Son of God, or the Eucharist, but I do see the blasphemy of such an event and would not endorse such a thing.”