The absurdity of atheism

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That is, God is the necessary, transcendent, eternal, immaterial, omniscient, omnipotent, infinite creator of the universe.
How could a God prove to anyone that ‘he’ is omniscient, omnipotent and infinite?

Those attributes aren’t rational in our universe.
Oh come on now, you don’t know that for sure right? Would you say that God is internally self-contradictory and therefore can’t exist? If so, I agree with you. But, what if there were a self-consistent concept of God? Is it possible for a God like that to exist?

Also, it isn’t possible to know with absolute certainty that any object does not exist.
I know for certain the God Abraham does not exist, just as I know for certain that flying unicorns do not exist.
987 would make a great apologists.

The more we know the less we need God. Science will uncover all truths!!!

The dollar bill is nothing more than a peice of paper with ink.

We give the dollar bill meaning. Period.

The belief in the monetary system is just that a beleif.

A beleif in God is not different than belief in the monetary system.
How could a God prove to anyone that ‘he’ is omniscient, omnipotent and infinite?

Those attributes aren’t rational in our universe.
Can you please answer my questions that I posed first?

You made an assertion: “Tangible proof were to present itself, I’d of course believe God was real.”

I’d like to know what this would look like.

Also, I’d like for you to explain what you meant by this:
I guess I have no evidence that there is nothing at death.
Can you please answer my questions that I posed first?

You made an assertion: “Tangible proof were to present itself, I’d of course believe God was real.”

I’d like to know what this would look like.

Also, I’d like for you to explain what you meant by this:
Your God is an impossibility.

There is no test that I can think of that could prove a being omniscient, infinite and omnipotent.

You’re asking me for a proof to show that a circle could be a square.

I have no actual way of determining that slaughtered cows don’t go to a cow heaven that exists outside of space and time. Even though I have no proof such a thing doesn’t exist, I dismiss it as an absurdity.
987 would make a great apologists.

The more we know the less we need God. Science will uncover all truths!!!

The dollar bill is nothing more than a peice of paper with ink.

We give the dollar bill meaning. Period.

The belief in the monetary system is just that a beleif.

A beleif in God is not different than belief in the monetary system.
Belief in the Starwars universe is a fantasy.
Your God is an impossibility
So you’ve actually done is set up a pretense.
A false scenario.

“I’ll believe if you offer proof”

“But I won’t accept any proof because I already don’t believe”.

Perhaps you wish to retract this statement?
Tangible proof were to present itself, I’d of course believe God was real.
If you don’t wish to retract, then I repeat my question: what would “tangible proof” look like so that you would “believe God was real”?

Also explain how you know the ramon empire existed and is that proof acceptable to you?
I have no actual way of determining that slaughtered cows don’t go to a cow heaven that exists outside of space and time. Even though I have no proof such a thing doesn’t exist, I dismiss it as an absurdity.
You made an assertion and announced to all of us that you believe it without any evidence.

That’s astonishing to me, coming from an atheist.

You seem to be reserving for yourself a right that you object to in others.

987mk gets to believe things without a shred of evidence, but when others do that, he objects.

Do you think that is a good paradigm to embrace, mk?
You made an assertion and announced to all of us that you believe it without any evidence.

That’s astonishing to me, coming from an atheist.

You seem to be reserving for yourself a right that you object to in others.

987mk gets to believe things without a shred of evidence, but when others do that, he objects.

Do you think that is a good paradigm to embrace, mk?
I don’t believe cows survive their deaths in an afterlife.

That astonishes you.

Then remain astonished.
As it stands right now, you reject any argument for God until you have 100% certainty–the arguments are guilty until proven innocent–button accept the arguments for the multiverse–innocent until proven guilty.
Who said anything about 100%? You know I haven’t. Beyond reasonable doubt will do it for me. Remember what I said? ‘Based on the evidence that has been presented so far…’

You say that God exists. You present evidence. I don’t find that evidence convincing. Therefore, until such time as evidence is provided that will change my mind, I do not believe He does exist. My conviction is beyond reasonable doubt.

No-one says that the MV exists (if you can find a quote where someone says it does, then I’ll be with you in saying they are incorrect and that it’s not possible to say so). What people do say is that there are aspects of mathematics that point to the possibility of an MV. I find those possibilities compelling. That doesn’t mean I believe it exists. There is no evidence for me to make a call beyond reasonable doubt.

I trust that you find that reasonable.
What I’m saying is that the story of Jesus is found in the Bible. No one in the Catholic Church quotes Jesus unless it is written in the Bible.
Careful, mk. Mention to a Catholic that something they believe is to be found in the bible and all hell breaks loose.

Yes, the church says that this particular portion of the bible is to be trusted. That this portion is to be taken literally. That this portion is not. That this is allegorical. That this bit…well, you can make your own mind up on some of it. But…it is all found in the bible. I mean, that’s what the book is for. That’s how we know what Jesus taught. Including what He taught about heaven.

So again., where did the idea of heaven come from:
P: Someone told me. It’s what the Catholic Church teaches.
B: But where did they get this idea from?
P: From a book. Here’s a quote from it:

“And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life” (Matthew 25:31-46).

B: So you’ve been told that this bit of the book is true.
P: Yep.
B: But the talking snake and animals two by two and stuff?
P: Not so much.
And in passing, Happy Xmas to everyone. Friend and foe alike (well, there are no foes really). Believers and those without hope. I hope that whatever Christmas means to you , you’ll enjoy it.

Also explain how you know the ramon empire existed and is that proof acceptable to you?
Archaeology, artefacts, art, multiple written accounts both within and outside the Empire.

I’m perfectly fine believing Jesus lived. I reject any assertion or claim that he was the son of the creator of the universe and possessed supernatural powers.
what would “tangible proof” look like so that you would “believe God was real”?
What you attribute to your God is impossible.

Nothing, nothing could prove any being is omnipotent, infinite and omniscient.
I don’t believe we have that answer yet.
well then you have your answer on infinite until proven otherwize.

i give you credit on the existence of jesus, we just differ on the credible witness testinony which the united states and chrich doctrine are in agreement.
I do indeed remain astonished, amused, bemused and perplexed at the double standard.

“I get to believe things without a shred of evidence”
“How dare you believe things for which there is no evidence!”
Can you prove we we survive our death? Nope.

Can I prove that there is nothing after death? Nope.

Which is more likely?

A) Eternal life in a paradise that exists outside of time and space.

B) Nothing

I say B.

You say A.

Merry Christmas.
It is about time to remember:

Absence of proof is NOT a proof of absence


Absence of evidence IS evidence of absence!
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