. . . If you tell me that you believe that we have been visited by aliens, then I will probably ask you why you believe that. There must be some evidence otherwise you wouldn’t hold the belief. If I don’t think that the evidence is convincing, I won’t believe it myself.
But it would then be fairly ridiculous for you to demand from me in response for evidence that we haven’t been visited by aliens. I wouldn’t have evidence that we haven’t been visited (exceptionally difficult to furnish) - it’s simply that you haven’t offered acceptable evidence for it having happened.
However, having said that, if I were to stand on a street corner with a placard saying: ‘God does not Exist’, then you would be quite within your rights to ask me for proof.
It might be a good idea, when conversing with atheists, if you ask them at the outset if they would be prepared to take over holding the placard for a while.
I don’t know any atheist, certainly all the one’s I know on this forum, who would be prepared to do so.
I am not on UFO forums calling myself an aalienist.
Nor do I frequent atheist forums telling people that they have no evidence that there is no God.
I don’t stand on street corners with placards and I am sure no one else here does.
The point of this thread is to address the observation that any attempt to justify atheism sounds absurd.
You don’t say you have no religious affiliation; you say you are an atheist.
But you give no reason for calling yourself that other than that you have not had any convincing proof that there is a God.
Let me state it in my own way. God involves a relationship. He is perfect relationality in Himself as the Trinity. I’ve lost you already: I know it.
You don’t want to know God and claim that there is no proof.
So, why do you continue to bang your head against the Catholic wall?
This is absurd to the nth degree.
Religion is all about the growing of one’s relationship with the Divine.
There are many different ways this is accomplished by different people in different cultures in search of the one living and eternal Truth, which is beautiful and good.
There is no argument possible when one is intent on learning.
It is a matter of listening and attempting to understand, trying to gain a greater perspective and deeper insight into one’s own nature and That from which one’s existence is grounded.