Why wouldn’t an atheist be convinced by the same evidence/arguments that convinced you? Do they need something different? Do they have a higher standard of proof?
An atheist may indeed be attracted to these people…but still, I can’t see how that proves that “Christianity is true”.
Are there qualities these people have that a non-Christian cannot have?
But…many atheists are humble, open-minded, and also very fulfilled in their lives.
Hey again DaddyGirl, long time no see.
Hmmm, I’m much less eager to argue with atheists today than I was a couple of years ago, and I think that’s definitely a good thing. I had a warped understanding of what evangelization is, and I was doing it for the wrong reasons…
Regarding my saying “I’m not sure what would convince me Christianity is true if I were an atheist:” You’ve probably noticed the internet today has a great deal of atheists. Many of them not only lack belief in any religion but also ridicule religious people. They’ve pretty much utterly deserted any interest in religion as a serious subject–they think of it and themselves help to paint it as an obsolete and oppressive social machine used by the powers that be in history to keep a simpler people in line. “Atheist” is a loaded word–most of the time it’s not just the lack of belief that apologists are up against but this whole antagonistic/dismissive mindset. If I was this kind of atheist, I really am not sure what would convince me Christianity is true. I recognize though that there are atheists and then there are atheists–you for example have spent too much time on CAF to think that Catholics are disabled as critical thinkers, and you know there’s more to Catholic people than credulous simpletons, intellectually dishonest apologists, and power-hungry clergymen…
Regarding the evidence/arguments that convinced me: transitioning from a more or less cultural Catholic to–well, I’m still struggling, but I’m better off now than I was five years ago… What’s important for here is that I’m more open-minded about belief today; I choose more freely and with better understanding to be Catholic than I did at 15. Anyway, for me this was a years-long process. There was lots of reading and critical thought involved, yes–I could recommend you books–but also I really am convinced, as you mentioned, that there are qualities certain Christ-like people I’ve encountered have that no one else in my experience has. I’m aware this is an unfair argument to make with an atheist, but I’m being honest–I think given time, and in spite of all our flaws, one of the best ‘arguments’ for Christianity is hanging out with dedicated Christians. This makes sense from a Christian perspective–one of the best ways to get to know Christ is to get to know the Body of Christ. I guess it also makes sense from an atheist’s perspective–if Christianity is a social/pyschological machine for making converts, the easiest way to be fooled by it is to become close with its followers… The best thing would be to judge for yourself. If you have the time I’d recommend volunteering with a Catholic missionary group, or look up how to get involved at your diocese with Christian groups/workers/retreaters etc.
More fundamentally, the things Catholicism has to say about life, good and bad, what’s important and what isn’t, desire and indifference, and the things that fulfill us and the things that don’t embraces my own experiences. For me the most compelling argument in real life is the argument from desire.
Almost every conversion story I’ve read is a years-long development, though. There’s no lab data on Christianity I can hand you. Christianity is people-centered, and people are more likely to become Christian through a study of people or themselves rather than the natural world.
The most convincing ‘right now’ evidence/argument I can hand you just while talking on CAF is probably this:
It’s flawless, but it’s very vague. It succeeds very well at rationally opening someone up to the idea of the supernatural but little else.