I don’t know what a ‘typical’ atheist is but I don’t really think all the propositions listed are true of most atheists. Most of them are broad and quite open to objection. There’s nothing explicitly stated in believing God doesn’t exist that makes that list necessary.
But more to the point, it doesn’t constitute an argument. There’s no conclusion that I can see (except maybe that atheism is absurd) and that conclusion doesn’t logically follow from the list of propositions listed as they are listed. I’d also like to know what Tony means by ‘absurd’. Entailing a contradiction? Just plain silly? Demonstratively false? Also, there are distinctions between ‘value’, ‘purpose’, and ‘meaning’ that seems muddled. These are not co-extensive terms. Without clear premises and a conclusion, we don’t have an argument to analyze - we just have rambling. Ideas have been presented that we’re owed explanations for, otherwise we’re justified in simply dismissing them.
Atheism is absurd to me on several levels, primarily because it provides nothing of value in merely stating that God does not exist.
It is more than vague, it truly itself sheds no light by which the darkness that is at the core of the human condition can be illuminated.
Boiling down to an act of saying “no” to other people’s assertions without proposing any alternative explanation, it is completely dependent on theism. As such, I consider it to be a heretical Christian cult.
I find that it’s proponents typically present poorly thought out ideas, completely ignoring the most basic questions to which humanity seeks an answer.
I recall that nonsensical bus campaign: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life’
Fact is, most of what they say they don’t believe, as a Catholic I also do not believe.
The problem lies in not having a relationship with God. It is within that context that theism begins to make sense.
The reality of it is that if one believes in love, in justice, in truth, in beauty, one believes in God.
I detest hypotheticals, but if all were to boil down to the few forces and other properties of nature, there would be no meaning, no morality, no love, no reason to exist.
It would be all an illusion. Including oneself, all would be just a multitude of transient forms, good or bad in appearance only.
And, the oblivion at the end of the dream would swallow all that was.
This nightmarish scenario is the reality of this world and the fate of those fail to establish a relationship with God.
Before anyone blows a gasket, consider first what is meant by God. He is Goodness, Truth, Beauty, and Life Itself.
Follow any of these to their very end, where they take you, and you will have come to know Him, the Triune Godhead.
It is a tough journey which at least on paper, my buddy Freddy Nietzsche did not take it to the limit.
Probably rooted in his inability to deal with daddy issues and his dislike for religion, he did not seem to realize that even the quest for power is a vacant, pointless exercise. Had he gone that extra step and realized completely an existence devoid of God, I believe it would have clicked. He would have known He who had been missing in his life. That’s my fantasy for what it’s worth.
Sorry for the rambling presentations of what constitutes the absurdity of atheism. There’s more where that came from.