Look in your BAPTIST MIRROR and tell me it was molecules, not God, who produced your purposeful activity.
Molecules no more exist than do human beings.
The vast majority of mankind understands both to be wholes composed of constituents parts.
These wholes may decompose and thereby lose the properties that defined them.
The parts that remain may in turn also be decomposed, down the line until we reach the subatomic.
And, what we imagine as primary today merely describes the limits of our ability to probe into the structure of matter.
What gives wholeness to an atom, a molecule, also does so to biological beings. That is how creation is structured.
As to purposeful activity, try doing this:
- Walk out the door . . . I would guess that you did not do this.
- Now, feel the pressure of the chair on your backside . . . Reading this command, you could not, not do this.
The reason for the different response is that first event involves purposeful action requiring a decision; the second, an automatic reflex associated with the attention “circuitry” of the brain.
Purposeful action, while requiring a frontal cortex, is determined by the person.
A person, in their wholeness perceives, thinks, feels and acts.
A person is composed of matter continuous with the rest of the universe.
The person, material, is at the same time an individual entity, who relates to everything that is other.
The self itself can be other to the person, who can use their reason.
It is a person who acts.
That person is spiritual/relational/rational.
That person is material.
The person is a psychosomatic-spiritual whole.
We do not bring ourselves into being.
Our existence, with its free will, is created by the eternal transcendent Font of compassion that is existence itself.
The purpose of humanity’s existence is to unite with all creation in the eternal love that is the Triune Godhead.