Hello Mike. I was earlier reading an article from The National Science Foundation:I understand the definition of purposeful, I just want to make sure this isn’t some specific terminology so that down the road you don’t claim that I’m not defining it correctly.
All that being said, there are thousands of various molecular structures from aardvarks to zydeco accordianists who purposely choose to engage in motion and do so.
Assuming by mind you mean the enganging of deliberate thought processes, then I’d be curious if it has every been shown that a mind exists outside of a brain, meaning that the mind is it’s own separate thing and merely not a term for the acts of a functioning.
There have been expereiments where the brains of subjects have performed certain acts or thought of certain things and they have gauged which portions of the brain have been stimulated the most.
Could there be a mind apart from the brain? Anything is possible but there is exactly zero evidence to suggest so. You are merely adding an extra step on how thoughts work despite there not being a reason to do so.
It is an attribution that is neither provable nor falsifiable. It is a bit of whimsy with no evidence to ground it.
All we are is dust in the interstellar wind
NSF-funded researcher creates a map of dust in the Milky Way galaxy
March 9, 2016
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When dying stars explode, they expel dust out into space that can be recycled to make something new. In fact, everything in the universe – stars, comets, asteroids, planets, even humans, started out as grains of dust floating around in space. As the late astronomer Carl Sagan famously said, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
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