The Absurdity of Atheism

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I understand the definition of purposeful, I just want to make sure this isn’t some specific terminology so that down the road you don’t claim that I’m not defining it correctly.

All that being said, there are thousands of various molecular structures from aardvarks to zydeco accordianists who purposely choose to engage in motion and do so.

Assuming by mind you mean the enganging of deliberate thought processes, then I’d be curious if it has every been shown that a mind exists outside of a brain, meaning that the mind is it’s own separate thing and merely not a term for the acts of a functioning.

There have been expereiments where the brains of subjects have performed certain acts or thought of certain things and they have gauged which portions of the brain have been stimulated the most.

Could there be a mind apart from the brain? Anything is possible but there is exactly zero evidence to suggest so. You are merely adding an extra step on how thoughts work despite there not being a reason to do so.

It is an attribution that is neither provable nor falsifiable. It is a bit of whimsy with no evidence to ground it.
Hello Mike. I was earlier reading an article from The National Science Foundation:

All we are is dust in the interstellar wind

NSF-funded researcher creates a map of dust in the Milky Way galaxy
March 9, 2016
. . . ]
When dying stars explode, they expel dust out into space that can be recycled to make something new. In fact, everything in the universe – stars, comets, asteroids, planets, even humans, started out as grains of dust floating around in space. As the late astronomer Carl Sagan famously said, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
. . .]
In other words it amounts to an appeal to ignorance and an act of faith in the power of chance and physical necessity!
You need to explain why.
I think it’s a false dilemma as far as God is concerned.

“precedes” implies that the Creator exists in time and space instead of being transcendent.
Again it’s a false dilemma. God creates and designs us to fulfil the purpose of creating and designing our own purposes within the context of knowing, loving and serving Him.
I didn’t set any dilemmas, nor even ask any questions.
By “precedes”, Sartre means logical order, not time. I know he’s a difficult read but am surprised you’d use his name and yet make such a basic mistake. Again it’s not clear whether you understand what Sartre is saying, but the point would be this: you have perfect freedom to believe whatever you wish, but unless you can will that all humanity shares your belief, you are in “bad faith”, in other words acting immorally. If you want to say that other peoples’ beliefs are absurd or wrong, you must either accept the same for your own beliefs, or you are in bad faith, since you are putting yourself above others. There is a connection with Matthew 7 and Romans 14.

Sartre was an incoherent atheist who didn’t believe in God and never explained how freedom originates. At least Christians give an explanation which corresponds to the way every reasonable person thinks and behaves.

I have never stated that other peoples’ beliefs are absurd or wrong. I am simply pointing out that atheism is irrational. It implies that there is no **reason why anything exists yet relies on reason **to do so! Can you justify that view? If so do so.
I don’t envision any specific God…I was referring to the God envisioned in the Christian holy scripture.
I don’t usually label myself. Hence, the description in my “religion” section.
But I think some atheists will call themselves atheists to do just as you are doing–spread a different kind of good news.
I think I understand what apologists have explained. Whey are you so sure that I do not?
Well, I can understand that. Atheism isn’t meant to shed any light on anything…except to shed light on the fact that there are no mysterious gods.
What??? Noooo. There have been people who have not believed in gods well before Judaism–we have records of it at least 7-ish centuries before.
And it baffles me why you would use the word “cult” when describing atheism.
Are you aware of the definition of the word?
“a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.”

There are no beliefs or practices or veneration or devotion that comes with being an atheist. It’s just a lack of a belief in a god or any gods.
???. I don’t provide any of those things as evidence for my belief (are you sure you are answering my post and not someone else’s?)
I don’t know why that adds to any confusion. Just because a person doesn’t believe a god exists, it doesn’t mean a person doesn’t believe in goodness and beauty.
It doesn’t mean that. It only means a person doesn’t believe a god/gods exist.
Huh? Outside time, source, ocean…
Now that’s one point I will agree with. To quote John Lennon: Love is the Answer.
I see it stated other places much more clearly, Without the confusion of a god who might put you in hell or tell you to kill your child or kill you if you don’t do what he says.
The god you envision is based on hearsay.

The unfortunate part is that not believing what people in every time and every culture have said, you may never take that first step towards Him. But, you are here so what do I know.

God does exist, and if one follows love, beauty, truth and life, one will find Him.

You exist and feel as part of a universe which exists, grounded on an eternal Font which transcends it and cares about it.

If you do not act in a loving fashion, you put yourself into hell.
nor have control over it-so who does?
us? think not
Individuals (not limited to humans) each have some amount of influence on others and their environment. I wouldn’t call this control, only distributed limited influence. I wouldn’t say that anyone else does.
The god you envision is based on hearsay.

The unfortunate part is that not believing what people in every time and every culture have said, you may never take that first step towards Him. But, you are here so what do I know.

God does exist, and if one follows love, beauty, truth and life, one will find Him.

You exist and feel as part of a universe which exists, grounded on an eternal Font which transcends it and cares about it.

If you do not act in a loving fashion, you put yourself into hell.
Okay prove God exists.
IMHO, you believe in God.
Aloysium, I bow to your superior knowledge of what I believe in. If I do believe in God, it must be on a very deep level of my sub-conscious, far removed from my higher cognitive functions where I do my reasoning, and certainly not accessible to my conscious mind. I find it quite surprising (and just possibly a bit insulting) that you presume to have an opinion on what I believe that is contrary to what I have expressed in my posts. On what do you base your opinion?
As an aside, not wishing to intrude, I find it interesting that one would not proclaim that “love, justice, truth and beauty, inasmuch as I know that such things can and do exist and are valuable” but the converse that the Source, the Reality of these truths does not exist. That is what I see as odd.
But I don’t claim that the source of these ‘truths’ does not exist. Quite the reverse. The source does exist. It’s just that I don’t attribute these ‘truths’ to the same source as you do. You repeatedly state that you find it odd. I suppose I find it odd that theists cannot even imagine that the universe we experience could exist without God. Yet to me, it seems not only believable, but the more likely explanation.
Okay prove God exists.
Prove to whom?
I have proof in myself and through my relations to others, the world and the Source of my being.
I suppose when you have the “proof” the true awareness of who I am within myself, you will have the proof that God exists. That is because the only way to truly know me, know anyone, is through love. Right know you know something but very darkly; most of what you think is me is but a reflection of yourself.
Something like that.
Please recall the beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
When you love someone, something, you are connected with He who brings it into existence.
Prove to whom?
I have proof in myself and through my relations to others, the world and the Source of my being.
I suppose when you have the “proof” the true awareness of who I am within myself, you will have the proof that God exists. That is because the only way to truly know me, know anyone, is through love. Right know you know something but very darkly; most of what you think is me is but a reflection of yourself.
Something like that.
Please recall the beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
When you love someone, something, you are connected with He who brings it into existence.
Dude this is a whole lot of nothing. You said “God does exist”. You have the burden of proof to show that is true.
You need to explain why.
Asserting that there are no zombies in London isn’t an argument from ignorance, simply the acknowledgement that there’s no evidence there are. Just as there’s no evidence that anything other than the stuff between your ears produces your thoughts.
Sartre was an incoherent atheist who didn’t believe in God and never explained how freedom originates. At least Christians give an explanation which corresponds to the way every reasonable person thinks and behaves.
I have never stated that other peoples’ beliefs are absurd or wrong. I am simply pointing out that atheism is irrational. It implies that there is no **reason why anything exists yet relies on reason **to do so! Can you justify that view? If so do so.
I think for Sartre, freedom is simply making choices. Whenever we make a choice, our identity is in flux. If I choose to tell lies then I am a liar, I cannot pretend I’m not, since I could have chosen differently and could still choose to undo my lies by telling the truth. At every choice we can be born again, to be the person we choose. And we cannot avoid making choices, so we cannot escape that freedom.

If we choose to be moral, then we do so by choosing for everyone, so as we do as we would be done by.

Do as we would be done by. Born again. Heard those phrases before somewhere. They sound rational to me.

As for other peoples’ beliefs: there have been large numbers of cultures throughout history which didn’t believe in a deity, including I think Chinese religions, and forms of Buddhism. animism and so on. If you choose to say they’re all irrational, then by Sartre’s reasoning you choose for all humanity and so must accept that your own beliefs are irrational. c.f. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matt 7

In a sense Sartre takes liberty, equality and fraternity to its logical conclusion, without flinching. As with any philosopher it’s arguable whether he succeeds, but I think he tells an interesting and at some points familiar story about how freedom entails responsibility.
How is lack of belief absurd? What historical arguments are there for the existence of God?
The ultimate historical argument is
You exist
Before you existed, you did not exist.

With no knowledge of your own, by no willing of your own, and by no action of your own, you are. You have being, ex-nihilo.
Something “other” than you brought you to be. Even if you would like to impersonalize the “other”, the “other” still existed before you, independently of you, and so caused you. You might even cry “accident”, and that accident is still “other” than you.

That is history, it is also mystery.
The ultimate historical argument is
You exist
Before you existed, you did not exist.

With no knowledge of your own, by no willing of your own, and by no action of your own, you are. You have being, ex-nihilo.
Something “other” than you brought you to be. Even if you would like to impersonalize the “other”, the “other” still existed before you, independently of you, and so caused you. You might even cry “accident”, and that accident is still “other” than you.

That is history, it is also mystery.
Actually my parents are what brought me to be. And yes their parents all the way down to a common ancestor. Myself existing is a horrible argument for God existing.
Aloysium, I bow to your superior knowledge of what I believe in. If I do believe in God, it must be on a very deep level of my sub-conscious, far removed from my higher cognitive functions where I do my reasoning, and certainly not accessible to my conscious mind. I find it quite surprising (and just possibly a bit insulting) that you presume to have an opinion on what I believe that is contrary to what I have expressed in my posts. On what do you base your opinion?
But I don’t claim that the source of these ‘truths’ does not exist. Quite the reverse. The source does exist. It’s just that I don’t attribute these ‘truths’ to the same source as you do. You repeatedly state that you find it odd. I suppose I find it odd that theists cannot even imagine that the universe we experience could exist without God. Yet to me, it seems not only believable, but the more likely explanation.
Making fun of what sounds like a claim by another that they might know more about oneself than one does being oneself, reveals a profound truth about our human condition. We only darkly see one another and barely even our own self.

I wouldn’t pretend to say know you. I have for example no idea why you would feel insulted.

What I was doing was feeding back how your statements fit into my world view. When you speak about love or truth or beauty, their Source is included in my vision of what they entail. Whatever you may think, however you may conceptualize the universe and your place in it, your expression of that understanding has to be “processed” through the cognitive grid by which I understand everything. So to me, when you speak of such things, especially if you act in accordance to their reality, you are involving God.

I presumed you do not attribute the source of truth, goodness, beauty and life as you yourself.

We all develop rules as to how to behave. The most primitive views have to do with not provoking the anger of someone more powerful. More sophisticated visions speak of ethics, justice, Dharma or some other moral structure involving the meaning and consequences of our actions. They are based on the reality that we respond to a choice, through our action or inaction we not only affect what is outside, but we ourselves are transformed into who we will ourselves to be. It is our decision to favour one good over another. From what you say, you believe there to be some goods, say feeding your family, that are better than other goods, like spending the money on a night of pleasure with prostitutes. Whatever we decide is good for us, it has its place in a hierarchy of goodness, ultimately based on love. Maybe you do not believe this at all. How I interpreted your words suggested you might.

In real life, I find I can find a common ground with pretty much anyone who has a religious belief. Very difficult to do with atheists because of their negative approach and skepticism. Scepticism is a destroyer of connectedness. You seem to be clearly stating that we have no common ground. At this point I will have to tell you that I see God everywhere, in everything. I can no more imagine there being no God than I can imagine there being no me or to have vision without light. Sure, I have put those words together, but they depart from reality, from what is obvious and rational. Seems I have found another absurdity in atheism.
Hey there, G-O! 🙂

But…what are these qualities?

And…what do you think will I find there that I will not find in other groups that try to help people?
I’m trying to think of an honest answer to this that isn’t too vague to be meaningful.

I remember taking a class offered by my diocese on the seven heavenly virtues. I liked the definition for virtue the young lawyer teaching it gave: if a habit is a pattern of similar actions, and if enough of a habit gives you a disposition towards doing the action again, a virtue is a collection of similar dispositions towards good actions. The Church says there are seven chief virtues; four are essentially natural and three are essentially spiritual or theological. This implies that, in order to develop the latter three virtues, one has to practice a great deal of religious or spiritual actions.
The theological virtues are the foundation of Christian moral activity; they animate it and give it its special character. They inform and give life to all the moral virtues. They are infused by God into the souls of the faithful to make them capable of acting as his children and of meriting eternal life. They are the pledge of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in the faculties of the human being. There are three theological virtues: faith, hope, and
An atheist of course would say that faith, hope, and charity are not solely religious virtues. A Christian would say that, in order for an atheist to develop theological virtues, he has to be in the habit of doing essentially spiritual or religious good deeds, even if he doesn’t call them ‘religious.’ If we drew the bottom line here, the only difference between a virtuous Christian and a virtuous atheist is what either describes as religious.

I would argue though, if Christians are right, knowing these virtues for what they really are and understanding where they come from–the Holy Spirit, Christian living–a Christian is in a better position to develop these virtues and is able to flesh them out more fully. You could say the difference between a virtuous Christian and a virtuous atheist is the difference between someone who understands the rules of a very complex game he’s playing and someone who, refusing to accept that there are rules at all, constructs his own similar but incomplete rules in order to more or less adapt to the game.

I’ll stop for a reality check: is there an observable difference in reality? Does naturalism fail to fully explain the holiness of the people I admire? I think so, but then that’s my experience.

When I took the class, I thought to myself that I had finally heard what I had seen for myself in these people put to words.
Hi Catholic Greg:) So you are still a Catholic! My family and friends are religious and non-religious. They are people who are kind and loving. My best friend became an atheist because she lost a child due to cancer. By the grace of God we have been dear friends for the last 4 years, and I remind her that she is a Christian because she is so loving and kind. She had a luncheon at her home yesterday. All the ladies (one Catholic, one atheist, and one Muslim) sat around laughing and giggling, and talking about our husbands. It was a blast! One of the ladies is pregnant, we are going to give her a baby shower and each of us will invite 5 woman friends to attend the baby shower 👍
I need friends like this! Well, except when guys get together we don’t sit around laughing and giggling and talking about our husbands–that’s something pretty unique to the other sex, I think. 😃
College is great, but I miss getting to be with friends I’ve known since childhood on a regular basis. I was actually best friends with atheist and a Muslim as well, in high school.
I can no more imagine there being no God than I can imagine there being no me or to have vision without light.
I think this may be the key reason why we disagree and why you think atheism is absurd. I think it is a failure of imagination. I can imagine a universe with a God (or gods) and a universe without any god. I can imagine a universe without me in it. I can even, at a stretch, imagine a universe without light where ‘vision’ works by sound waves.

If you cannot even imagine the other person’s point of view, it is no wonder that you dismiss it as absurd. By contrast, I don’t dismiss the view of a theist as absurd. I just think that it is (most likely) wrong.
Prove “you” exist! Or are “you” merely a biological robot conditioned to react to stimuli?
That is a good definition but not the best. We are merely a biological robot conditioned to react to a situation by deciding rationally. Do you have any evidence to show that we are more than this?
Asserting that there are no zombies in London isn’t an argument from ignorance, simply the acknowledgement that there’s no evidence there are. Just as there’s no evidence that anything other than the stuff between your ears produces your thoughts.
Our starting point is not “stuff” but our mind. We **infer **the existence of things from what we perceive.
Sartre was an incoherent atheist who didn’t believe in God and never explained how
  • freedom originates. At least Christians give an explanation which corresponds to the way every reasonable person thinks and behaves.
I have never stated that other peoples’ beliefs are absurd or wrong. I am simply pointing out that atheism is irrational. It implies that there is no **reason why anything exists yet relies on reason **to do so! Can you justify that view? If so do so.
I think for Sartre, freedom is simply making choices. Whenever we make a choice, our identity is in flux. If I choose to tell lies then I am a liar, I cannot pretend I’m not, since I could have chosen differently and could still choose to undo my lies by telling the truth. At every choice we can be born again, to be the person we choose. And we cannot avoid making choices, so we cannot escape that freedom.

If we choose to be moral, then we do so by choosing for everyone, so as we do as we would be done by.

Do as we would be done by. Born again. Heard those phrases before somewhere. They sound rational to me.*
Freedom is making intelligent choices but Sartre never explained **how **we can do that or even why we should choose to be moral in an absurd (irrational) universe.
As for other peoples’ beliefs: there have been large numbers of cultures throughout history which didn’t believe in a deity, including I think Chinese religions, and forms of Buddhism. animism and so on. If you choose to say they’re all irrational, then by Sartre’s reasoning you choose for all humanity and so must accept that your own beliefs are irrational. c.f. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matt 7
It is not a moral but a logical judgment. Without the Deity there is no explanation of our power of reason. As Pascal pointed out, we are superior to the universe in that respect.
In a sense Sartre takes liberty, equality and fraternity to its logical conclusion, without flinching. As with any philosopher it’s arguable whether he succeeds, but I think he tells an interesting and at some points familiar story about how freedom entails responsibility
Taking freedom for granted…
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