I freely admit it, CN, freely admit it.
I DO think the free standing altars are preferable in some ways, aesthetically. That doesn’t mean, however, that they have to be ugly. This one, unfortunately, was.
Or if they’re against the wall, can’t they at least be deeper? It looks like the priest is offering the Mass on a sideboard.
Serioiusly, look at this picture of my parish’s altar. The big “throne” has since been moved from behind the altar, and over to the side (Deo gratias). If the tabernacle (just off to the right as you look at the altar) were in the center (my hope with an angel on either side, their wings stretched over it) just under the Crucifix, is there any reason why a TLM cannot be offered from that altar? You can’t see it because it’s covered with the cloth, but it’s solid marble, it was put in and the church built around it.