First of all, Homosexuality is not a result of the inability to bond with the opposite sex, that theory was discredited a long time ago. I can show you individual after individual, case after case, that refutes your entire argument.
Well, on the reverse, others could probably show you individual after individual, case after case, that supports at least some of his argument if not all.
Second, you are implying that children of homosexual couples will be “seduced” into becoming homosexuals themselves, this has also been discredited. Additionally, I can show you families that are composed of same-sex parents that are the very image of wholesome and holy in their daily lives.
He said nothing of the sort. If I were to make a guess, and surely he will correct me if I am wrong, I think what he was trying to say by “being led to adopt impure desires” was their children will likely grow up believing that impure/disordered sexual desires are not actually impure/disordered. And I think that in general, he was just making the (correct) observation that when one grows up with parents whose very relationship is a sinful one, there are going to be negative consequences. Not that every single child of a homosexual couple is going to grow up crazy or something, but when a child is deprived of his or her right to be raised by his own mother and father, there are likely to be negative consequences.
Third, the domestic violence, suicide, and drug abuse rates are a direct result of external pressures from society asking them to conform to the 99 percent of heterosexual culture. Bullying and the like are too blame, NOT their sexual orientation.
I’m not going to deny that homosexuals have been unfairly treated, and still are in many ways. But I have a very hard time believing that today’s society, where more than half of our society doesn’t think anything wrong with homosexuality, is any longer the main factor behind the higher likelihood of negative consequences. I don’t know about drug abuse and domestic violence - I’m sure there are studies both for and against those theories - but what about AIDS? Shouldn’t the simple fact that AIDS is so common amongst homosexuals raise at least a
liiiiitle question as to whether it is normal and/or healthy, and therefore whether it should be glorified or supported in any society? I think that AIDS alone is enough reason to wonder if there is anything wrong with homosexual relationships, and therefore is enough reason, especially for anyone who believes in God, to consider that the Church (and all of Christianity until somewhat recently) might actually be correct on the matter of homosexuality.
You are the reason why so many, myself included, have left the Church behind.
Well. Let’s be honest here, everyone is a sinner and makes mistakes. But let’s be clear here, the Church has never advocated unfair treatment of those with same-sex attraction, and our Catechism makes it clear that SSA individuals are no less deserving of love than any other human being. I’m truly sorry that you think it’s the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that is wrong, and not the flawed individuals (as we all are) within her that are wrong. For the Catholic Church cannot be wrong in her moral teachings.
I will be sure to say a Rosary for you my friend…
I’m glad to hear you pray the Rosary even though you have left the Church, and though you were not directing this comment towards me, I still wanted to say that I will also be praying for you and for your return to the Catholic Church!