Sure, as I mentioned, there should be legitimate questions asked/debated on what constitutes a “cure” for homosexuality.
Personally, I don’t claim that any “cure”, in that one never experiences SSA again their whole lives, is possible. Is it maybe? I don’t know, regardless, I don’t claim that such “cure” exists today.
My whole issue revolves around someone trying to tell me that I have no right to pursue what I myself perceive to be a “cure”. In my current view, a “cure” would be something which at the very least allows me to be at peace with my SSA. That is arguably a broad definition; however, no one has any right to tell me I can’t pursue that, and no one has any right to take away the option for me to pursue such treatment when such treatment has done so for others.
Bottom line here - no therapist should advertise themselves as “getting rid” of SSA - I agree with that. But if someone advertises themselves as addressing issues they believe to be behind SSA, which could possibly reduce SSA, I see no problem with that. As long as the potential patients are educated on the range of possibilites - from “no change at all” to “complete change” - and that many people fall somewhere in the middle.
Answer this question for me - do you believe that if a particular treatment is not able to rid a SSA individual completely from his SSA, 100% of the time, then it is not worthy of consideration? Keep in mind that many people who experience “little to no change” in their attractions still consider themselves happy with the treatment.
I don’t expect anybody to accept what I’m about to say. But I’m going to say it anyway.
That there is such a thing as porn addiction, few would deny. Nor would many deny that it’s treatable and curable, though the potential for backsliding would always be there. No one would deny that porn use is not only a moral fault, but can affect others negatively.
It’s not the only thing of its kind. I recall a lawyer friend of mine who was in court while the criminal defendants were being arraigned. One was being arraigned for statutory rape of a 16-year-old-going-on-30, who was there. Another lawyer turned to my friend and said something like “I can understand how the defendant was unable to resist that chick.” My friend replied “I can’t”. The first lawyer said to my friend something like “Oh come on. You can’t really say that.” “Yes I can” said my friend. “Why” ased the first guy.
“Because I’m Catholic and we’re taught to resist things like that. We don’t roll them around in our minds. We are taught to dispel those kinds thoughts if they present.”
And there’s truth to that; maybe a truth larger than a lot of people want to admit or practice. Imagine for a moment some old guy; let’s say age 65. His wife is getting saggy and baggy and maybe a bit hefty, and if he allowed himself to lust after some 25-year-old gal, and if she was willing to give him a tumble, there’s a good possibility he would. If he shuts it out and contents himself with his wife, he probably won’t.
So, when it comes to “reparative therapy”, it seems to me the Church of yore, at least, had it. It was a tough thing. It was a lifelong task. But we all know there are plenty of old geezers (and younger geezers) who resist the temptation to go after some chippy, and don’t allow themselves to ruminate about doing it to the point that it becomes almost insurmountable.
And are we so sure that homosexuality isn’t every bit as acquired as porn addiction or serial fornication? Are we so sure that the “reparative therapy” so many practice for a lifetime against our worst instincts can’t work in that context?
Our society is sex-drenched. No question about it. And the homosexual world is massively more so. And now, we’re getting to a point where both illicit heterosexual sex and homosexual sex are widely condoned, if not actively encouraged.
If one asks me (which I doubt anyone will) by the time a homosexual gets to the point of considering reparative therapy (and we don’t know how many at least sometimes consider it) he’s way, way into homosexuality. Like the porn addicts we read about who spend hours watching porn, it’s awfully late in the game to expect good results, because the acquired habit of resistance has not been developed or has been worn down or, worse still, the aberration has developed its own psychological defenses.
I once read an interesting book about defenses people who have psych aberrations of other sorts build for their malady. Some are extremely effective and so difficult for therapists to overcome that the treatment fails. I recall reading about one patient who described her defensive mechanisms as being something like a “death star”, that had both offensive and defensive “weapons” of extremely elaborate architecture. She knew about it, but she and the therapist couldn’t overcome it, and treatment failed.
That’s how I see homosexuality. It’s a malady caught late in the game if ever. By the time anyone tries to rethink it, it has already developed “death star” defenses. Nowadays, of course, development of defenses is mightily encouraged by society. And however this or that therapist might be able to get inside it, virtually all have conceded the field.