Ah, dogma and guilt! I’ve had to put both into perspective in my long struggle as a Catholic.
Dogma: I came to realize that to the extent that it provides guidance and structure, it doesn’t
have to be a dirty word. While I appreciate their focus on loving God with the mind, the loosey-goosey, anything-goes structure of the ECA doesn’t resonate well with me. On the other hand, I get frustrated with a common Catholic conversation.
Me: Why do Catholics A?
Catholic: Because B.
Me: Why B?
Catholic: Because the Magisterium says so, now shut up.
I require a deeper faith journey than that.
As for guilt . . . . If it doesn’t go away after Confession, we’re letting the Enemy have his way. If others in our life use it as a weapon against us, ditto.
But to the extent that it serves as the voice of our conscience - and provided that we confess, make amends, and then let go of it- it can actually play an important role in our faith journey.