The Anglican Church Doesn't Really Expect Much of Me

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Well, If they are rubber stamping homosexual unions, female ordination, contraception and whole host of other sins, one could argue that they are totally apostate. In which case 2 Cor 6:17 comes to mind.

But liberalism has infected every Church in America to include the RCC. Thankfully I can just focus on sound doctrine and choose to ignore the Cafeteria Catholics to my left and right.
Oh, I was thinking of what I would hope would be reasonably uncontroversial examples like the Old Catholics of Utrecht and the Polish National Catholic Church. I was not attempting to stir the “Anglicans are Catholics too” pot.
I was thinking about the PNCC, actually.
(What makes you think my position is reasonable?)
(Is there anything uncontroversial now?)
Full disclosure - I am an Anglican. I converted from RC church in 2010.
If you are a baptised Catholic you are still a Catholic even if you turn your back on the Church and walk away. There is no such thing as a former/ex Catholic. You remain a Catholic forever.
There are only two types of Catholic - those in a state of grace and those in a state of mortal sin.
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