
Michael M. Winter, former lecturer in Fundamental Theology at St. John’s Seminary (Roman Catholic), in Saint Peter and the Popes, p. 17. states concerning Matthew 16:18I say that Peter was the Rock. The “gates of Hades” did not “prevail” against the keys of the kingdom. But that the keys (for the headship of the church which you call papacy and I call head apostleship) were not passed on to Linus, Cletus, Clement. But instead the “prevailing” occurred when Peter passed Christ’s keys to Joseph Smith. This I believe is a very solid interpretation of Matthew 16:18. I will site two Catholics who say identical and very similar things.
“although some writers have applied the idea of immortality to the survival of the church, it seems preferable to see it as a promise of triumph over evil.”
Instead of doing mental gymnastics to get the verse to fit your belief system, why not just take the verse at face value? Jesus established a church while on earth. He appointed Peter as the head of this new Christian church. The church exists today. Since it exists then it MUST be his church. If at some point it had ceased to exist then Jesus would have been wrong which is impossible. If there had been a total apostasy then the church he established would have failed. Jospeh Smith himself said the early church had failed when he claimed he had done what Christ was unable to do in keeping a church together. So, either Joseph Smith was wrong when he said that the early church had failed or he was wrong because the original church did not fail. Pretty simple. Your argument simply takes too much work to keep itself together.