RodofIron: I do not mean this in a derogatory sense, but you are very ignorant of the Church. If you just want me to answer your questions, it would probably be easier for you to just go to and click on any links on the left side. However, I will answer this question.
The episcopate is the office of bishop; the same office of bishop mentioned in the Bible. The original bishops were the Apostles called by Jesus Christ to lead His flock and teach His Word while He is not on Earth. You can deny this ad nauseum, but the Catholic Church’s bishops come from a long UNBROKEN line from the Apostles, hence is why the Catholic Church is an Apostalic Church. Modern day Apostles are bishops.
The office of apostle NEVER fell along the wayside. I am not sure what you mean, but I think you mean that because we don’t have an official title called specifically “Apostle”, the office fell into apostasy. Ask any bishop and they will tell you they are modern-day apostles.
Again, your ignorance rears its head. Popes, cardinals, and archbishops are ALL bishops, and hence apostles (an archbishop is no different than a bishop except that his see is larger). St. Peter, the first pope, was a bishop. (See another post of mine in this thread discussing the papacy) A pope is simply the leader of the Church of Christ on Earth in His absence. By the way, did Christ ever initiate the office of presidency to lead the church that was supposedly necessary because Christ’s original Church fell into apostasy even though He said He would be with it forever? Absolutely not. There is nothing even resembling this in Scripture, however, papacy (while not in the exact word, pope) is. (Cf. Matt. 16:18-19). A cardinal is a bishop, too. They are just in place as necessary to guide and lead the Church.
Christ said to Peter: “Whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven,” which gave Peter (and subsequent Peter’s, the popes) the necessary leeway to form and highly organized, highly structured Church.
About the priesthood in the Catholic Church: does this refer to the pedophile scandal? If it does, this is a very derogatory remark and I forgive you for your lack of care.
About the priesthood: at Mass, Catholics partake in Jesus’ Body and Blood as instructed at the Last Supper under the species of bread and wine. Why do Mormons use bread and water? Christ specifically said wine, not water. This would be grounds for an apostasy, no? Denying the specific Word’s of Christ?