Do you believe that someone who is angry with his brother and calls him a fool makes liable to be burned in the “hell of fire?”Do you believe that burning a heretic at the stake is against the will of God?
If you don’t, you should read the words of Jesus in Matthew.If you do, you should read the papal encyclical Exsurge Domine.
Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: but I say unto you, that every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment, and whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire. (Matt 5:21-22)
Not sure how Judas is involved, but there are records of saints being burned at the stake in Roman times who were untouched by the flames.How would you say that Judas enters into the discussion when reading this encyclical?
In fact, probably the best interpretation of the fire which will consume sinners is that it is the same fire of God’s love which did not consume the burning bush when God appeared to Moses, but ought to be far more of a concern than it is for we who hold onto our sins when the absolutely purifying fire of God’s love engulfs our deeds, our desires, our wills and our selves.
I have faith that those who died at the hands of mistaken human judgement, by fire or any other means, will also be subject to the refining fire of God’s absolute love, which ought to be far more of a concern for any wise human being than the temporary flare-up you seem fixated over.
In fact, I would suggest that burning at the stake should be understood as a far greater problem for those who took it upon themselves to burn others than it is for those who were burned. I mean presuming that those who were burned were innocent to begin with.
Now you might claim that Jesus’ statement with regard to the treatment of unrepentant sinners proves that Hinduism or some other religion is in some sense “better” than Christianity and that Krishna is more to be revered than Jesus because of it.
That would depend entirely upon whether Jesus is correct or not in his statement. I mean what would be the good of dismissing Jesus’ words as “unkind” or “unmerciful,” if they are indeed a true depiction of what our unrepented thoughts, words and deeds will garner for us? Just because Krishna offends our self-righteousness less, or flatters our egos more, does not mean Krishna’s way is the correct one, does it?
Your presumption is that a good God out of love will simply turn a blind eye to all evil that has been done by us. Personally, I don’t think that kind of God is absolutely good. The matter is not so simplistic as you might want it to be.