I smell straw…An atheist will argue that miracles can’t happen and therefore any historical documents which include miracles cannot be used to support religious claims. So, for example, (and Bart Ehrman argues this,) the miracle claims about Jesus were made up later by the Gospel writers because miraculous claims could not have been made during the time Jesus was alive.
Ehrman seems to forget completely, that if Jesus were God he could perform any miracle and likely would to instil in his followers motives of credibility. So, if Jesus were God, miracles could be expected and the Gospels could well have been accurate accounts.
Theists can only be called “slippery” if atheists are presumed to be right. If theists are right, then it is the atheists who are being slippery.
The difference, however, is that historical accounts do exist and were passed down from people (theists) who lived at the time. “Should these be taken for what they purport to be?” is the crucial question.
When was the last time you posted a link to a quote, Peter? Well, maybe it was quite recentl, but you are not exactly unknown for weasel worded comments such as ‘it could be said…Ehrman suggests thar…one could envisage…’.
That Ehrman could claim that miracles couldn’t have been performed by Jesus as He was human and therefore can’t have been divine is almost as nonsensical as you suggesting that he claimed it in the first place.
Read what Ehrman actually said about miracles and see if there is any connection, however tenuous, with what you claim he said.
“I am decidedly not saying that Jesus was not raised from the dead. I’m not saying the tomb was not empty. I’m not saying that he did not appear to his disciples and ascend into heaven. Believers believe that all these things are true. But they do not believe them because of historical evidence. They take the Christian claims on faith, not on the basis of proof. There can be no proof.” strangenotions.com/bart-ehrman-benedict-xvi-and-the-bible-on-the-question-of-miracles/
An eminently reasonable position, wouldn’t you agree?