The Church isn’t “opposite” of everything Tony said. Each point is subject to qualification. Which neither makes Tony wrong or you right, necessarily.You have 20K posts on CAF
You can sure feel unto yourself that these things seem good. More power to you.
But there is not even a slight bit of question as to “The Church endorses” or teaches on any of these things.
In fact the church is so opposite of everything you said it is not even comprehensible how someone on CAF with 20K posts came to that conclusion.
Perhaps Tony misspoke, but the Church does endorse the principle of double effect, which, "provides specific guidelines for determining when it is morally permissible to perform an action in pursuit of a good end in full knowledge that the action will also bring about bad results.” sites.saintmarys.edu/~incandel/doubleeffect.htmlThe Church endorses the principle of choosing the lesser evil.
While it is true that Catholics may not CHOOSE any evil. None — period. There is that principle in moral theology — double effect — which, under certain clearly defined conditions, permits Catholics to perform an act that has both a good and an evil effect, but there isn’t the possibility for directly choosing evil. However, if a situation forces the moral agent to choose one of only two options, both with evil consequences, then choosing the lesser of the two could be morally legitimate.
A classic example would be the case of the operator responsible for triggering a missile launch that would destroy an airliner hijacked by a terrorist and flying toward a building with a large number of innocent people in it. The forced choice between shooting (and killing several hundred innocent passengers) and refraining (and permitting the killing of several thousand innocent people) would mean that a legitimate choice exists and that choice permits only two possible outcomes. The lesser of the two evils would seem the only morally supported one.
“Most effective method” assuming that illegitimate or immoral methods (ABC) are not in consideration. From the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church:If a couple cannot afford to have another child they are justified in choosing the most effective method of birth control in their particular circumstances.
232 The family contributes to the social good in an eminent fashion through responsible motherhood and fatherhood, the spouses’ special participation in God’s work of creation[519]. The weight of this responsibility must not be used as a justification for being selfishly closed but must guide the decisions of the spouses in a generous acceptance of life. “In relation to physical, economic, psychological and social conditions, responsible parenthood is exercised both in the duly pondered and generous decision to have a large family, and in the decision, made for serious reasons and in respect of the moral law, to avoid for a time or even indeterminately a new birth”[520]. The motivations that should guide the couple in exercising responsible motherhood and fatherhood originate in the full recognition of their duties towards God, towards themselves, towards the family and towards society in a proper hierarchy of values.
- Concerning the “methods” for practising responsible procreation, the first to be rejected as morally illicit are sterilization and abortion[521]. The latter in particular is a horrendous crime and constitutes a particularly serious moral disorder[522]; far from being a right, it is a sad phenomenon that contributes seriously to spreading a mentality against life, representing a dangerous threat to a just and democratic social coexistence[523].
CCC1782 Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. "He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters.It is also the Church’s teaching that our ultimate authority is our conscience…
CCC1790 **A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience. **If he were deliberately to act against it, he would condemn himself. Yet it can happen that moral conscience remains in ignorance and makes erroneous judgments about acts to be performed or already committed.