
Non-denominational churches typically have very little defined doctrinally…basically Scripture is our only infallible guide, their beliefs on baptism, the belief in the Trinity…that’s pretty much it.Please now lets not forget all of the non-denominational churches. Each one is a seperate denomination and believe something different, even though they claim not to be a denomination. We have probably at least 10 of them in Green Bay alone. I have been to quite a few of them and most are not in agreement with the others. So no 30,000 doesn’t seem like to much.
You can’t just say that non-denominatioal churches are different denominations, since their doctrinal beliefs are most likely almost identical.
Again, let’s be fair here. If you don’t want the different rites within the Catholic Church to be counted as different denominations, then allow for minor differences between churches without breaking them into different denominations. I’ll bet if you look into it, you’ll find that there are probably no more than 15 or 20 meaningful denominations among those who adhere to sola Scriptura.
My main point in posting to this thread is to try to quelch the “30,000 denominations” number. I haven’t moved onto the “but even 2 denominations is one too many” argument. I simply want intellectual integrity from my Catholic friends.
How about it…can we move on to a different argument and drop the number “30,000”?
God bless,