For what its worth, it seems to me that after Vatican II and Humanae Vitae, many of the Bishops decided to go their own way instead of following the way of Christ.
Had they all continued to persistently teach the truth as the Church has always taught it, regarding contraception and abortion, it is my guess that abortion would not be legal in the USA today. Instead, they sorta dropped out of educating the public and took a softer stance. I’m sorry to say this, but this approach was completely ineffective.
Since Pope John Paul 2 has been so strong and persistent in his teaching for 25+ years on these issues, it appears to me that the Bishops are now admitting that they too should be fighting the good fight in other ways.
And by the way, the ‘rude’ and ‘in your face tactics’ of some pro lifers are a reaction to the evil of abortion. Some in this thread seem to exonerate the other side for not taking these tactics very well, but the tactics are actually the chain reaction caused by an initial evil. They are simply calling evil for what it is, evil.
Had they all continued to persistently teach the truth as the Church has always taught it, regarding contraception and abortion, it is my guess that abortion would not be legal in the USA today. Instead, they sorta dropped out of educating the public and took a softer stance. I’m sorry to say this, but this approach was completely ineffective.
Since Pope John Paul 2 has been so strong and persistent in his teaching for 25+ years on these issues, it appears to me that the Bishops are now admitting that they too should be fighting the good fight in other ways.
And by the way, the ‘rude’ and ‘in your face tactics’ of some pro lifers are a reaction to the evil of abortion. Some in this thread seem to exonerate the other side for not taking these tactics very well, but the tactics are actually the chain reaction caused by an initial evil. They are simply calling evil for what it is, evil.