THE CAFETERIA IS CLOSED at St. John the Baptist School, Cost Mesa CA

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Gabriel Gale:
But children do suffer for what their parents do. Asks children of alcoholic parents, adulterous parents, deadbeat parents etc.

If a parent decided not to pay tuition and the school decided to remove the child, would we be getting this “Children should never be made to suffer…”

The Church or this local priest has not “made” any child to suffer for what the parents do. What the parents do or don’t do makes their children suffer.
For example (from Exodus 20: 5(partial quote)-6)

For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their fathers’ wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation; but bestowing mercy down to the thousandth generation, on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments.
When I was goinmg through RCIA a few years ago, our pastor came in and talked to us about the role of the family in raising children. He told us that when parents bring children to him to be baptised he asks them “are you going to raise this child Catholic” (i.e., attend mass, etc.). Sometimes the parents answer, no but we think it is a good idea to baptise them anyway, or we want to baptise them anyway, etc.

He refuses to do the baptism in these cases. He feels it is a waste of time.

Now this may seem harsh, but the point he is making is raising a child Catholic is an active role and occurs throughout their upbringing.

Perhaps these children should not have been admitted to the school. I would not propose that they should not be baptised, but wonder what their chances are long term. Are the parents truly raising the children Catholic now?

I could not answer the poll, it is sort of like asking “should the fox be allowed to guard the hen house”. Great thread though.


Once again, no matter what the outcome, people get hurt because nobody thought about the consequences.
  1. The men who enrolled their child while having no intention to follow Catholic teaching hurt their own kid for the sake of…well, I don’t know…a few political points?
  2. The school which enrolled the child knowing the men’s situation clearly did not think. More touchy-feely neglect of Church teaching. And the kid suffers.
  3. The parish, which either did not know what was going on in the school or did not care (for a while), hurts itself and the child.
What a mess. Typical for those who act for all the wrong reasons.
Prayers for them all.
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