The Catholic schools use Scholastic Book Fairs that distributes homosexual (starting at preschool) and transgender books (starting at middle school)

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Again it is important to remember that parents and teachers can teach to love and be kind without supporting a sinful lifestyle…you don’t have to accept the sin to teach not to discriminate people…that is very important…for it is a better way to teach.

So same sex sexual relationships would be a sin on multiple levels…1) Immoral sexual acts and 2) Sex outside of marraige. I don’t discriminate sinful sexual acts… I don’t support providing to children books about immoral sexual life styles of heterosexuals either.
So same sex sexual relationships would be a sin on multiple levels…1) Immoral sexual acts and 2) Sex outside of marraige. I don’t discriminate sinful sexual acts… I don’t support providing to children books about immoral sexual life styles of heterosexuals either.

Again it is important to remember that parents and teachers can teach to love and be kind without supporting a sinful lifestyle…you don’t have to accept the sin to teach not to discriminate people…that is very important…for it is a better way to teach.
And I see no problem.
Families come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors.
What is wrong in teaching children to respect that it is love that makes a family?
So same sex sexual relationships would be a sin on multiple levels…1) Immoral sexual acts and 2) Sex outside of marraige. I don’t discriminate sinful sexual acts… I don’t support providing to children books about immoral sexual life styles of heterosexuals either.

Again it is important to remember that parents and teachers can teach to love and be kind without supporting a sinful lifestyle…you don’t have to accept the sin to teach not to discriminate people…that is very important…for it is a better way to teach.
So same sex sexual relationships would be a sin on multiple levels…1) Immoral sexual acts and 2) Sex outside of marraige.
Again, you do not know if a same-sex couple is actually engaging in sinful behavior unless you are in their bedroom.

Just because 2 woman (or men) live together as a family, and raise their children together does not automatically mean that they are having sexual relations. And if they are not THERE IS NO SIN INVOLVED!
This book is referring to same sex partners who live as married families do and have children together…not friends who live together as brothers or sisters…that’s not what the book is about. Please stay on topic. If you believe the book is about sisters or brothers living together like Earnie and Bert then this is not the topic for you.
I find it unusual that of all the books I listed you only have an issue with this one. Are you approving of the transgender books for children too?

This book is referring to same sex partners who live as married families do and have children together…not friends who live together as brothers or sisters…that’s not what the book is about. Please stay on topic. If you believe the book is about sisters or brothers living together like Earnie and Bert then this is not the topic for you.
You do realize that there are many people who think Bert and Ernie are a couple?

And again, just because a couple lives as a family together, it does not mean that the parents are automatically having a sexual relationship.

I have no problem at all with teaching children, in an age appropriate way, that there are some people who are gay, and that there are some people who feel they have the wrong sex. It is a reality in the 21st century. Being honest and open about it and what we believe as Catholic Christians in no way involves any discrimination or judgement of people or their situations on my part.
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You do realize that there are many people who think Bert and Ernie are a couple.
That’s not what Bert and Ernie are though…again the book is not addressing people who live together as brothers or sisters. "Sesame Workshop responded by claiming that Bert and Ernie have no sexual orientations because they are both puppets. Frank Oz, who previously performed as Bert , stated Bert and Ernie were not gay, saying, “They’re not, of course, a gay couple.”…it seems that the some people you referred to believing such falsehood were easily led astray from the truth.

God said that everything that he created is good…so there is no reason to not like that God has made any man a man or woman a woman. Catholic schools should teach what Catholics believe…not what you believe. if you want to argue what Catholics believe then you are on the wrong thread again…try Church Teaching on Same Sex Issues
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Catholics teach that being gay is not a sin.

Having sexual relations outside the confines of marriage is a sin.

How many times must it be said?
I never said anything about “being gay”…how many times do I have to say that?
Same-sex couples = gay couples.
If you can’t even say the word how are you going to teach anyone anything?

I am done here, believe what you want, just don’t try to make your rhetoric equal with Catholic teaching.
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I have an undergraduate BS degree in Genetics and Master of Science in Biochemistry so I have read and understand the studies that show how important environment is to sexuality.
What role does environment play in sexuality? Is the formation of someone’s sexuality influenced by what books they read?
Again…sexual preference does not define who a person is that is why I don’t use the definition of “gay”…I prefer to use science terms. “gay” can also be used in degrading ways so I avoid the use as it can be seen as condescending.

Again off topic…what words we use is not the topic.
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Good question. Genetic twin studies indicate the environment is 100% the factor in sexual identity. Exposing a child to any particular environment may make them prone to accepting what they experience or see in that environment in their own lives. American Pediatric Association has provided articles regarding the countless research regarding the role environment has on children.
My child’s Catholic school used the book fair, yet they consistently rank as number one in Catholic identity. Having read through all the circulars for these books, I do not remember this being an issue. I am not saying it is false, but I think I will hold judgement, especially coming from a competitor, until I look into it a little more.

As a rule, I see some wisdom in knowing gradually, over time, something about the society in which kids live.
The issue isn’t about whether LGBT exists.

It’s about entertainment providers deliberately bypassing the parents and teaching sex ed to their kids.

How arrogant is that?
I think you are being judgmental in saying coming from a competitor. I do not make any money from book fairs, I am in no way affiliated with publishers or authors…I have no self-interest in book fairs.

Do you think it is acceptable for Catholic schools to support books that are contrary to Catholic teaching or provide money to an organization that distributes books to children regarding transgender and homosexuality? Saying you Catholic and living a Catholic life are not the same.

You can be knowledgable in something while not supporting it…that is the better way to teach.
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No parent is “deliberately” passed by.
It is up to parents, and no one else, to thoroughly vet what their children are exposed to.
No parent is “deliberately” passed by.
It is up to parents, and no one else, to thoroughly vet what their children are exposed to.
Completely wrong.
Entertainment marketed to children should be held to a higher standard than that marketed to adults.

Bypassing the parents is what a sneak does.
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