Before proceeding, I would like to clarify that I am an agnostic theist. I do have a personal history of hating Catholicism, but I am trying to get over it to the best of my ability. I have stated my personal bias ahead of time; hopefully this is a sufficient disclosure.
Here is my theory about why so many people hate and fear atheism/atheists:[/qu ote]
Perhaps my response is unusual. I neither hate nor fear, but feel sorry for them. My Catholic faith is what organizes and gives meaning to my life and when I imagine life without that, it is very sad.
PumpkinCookie;13599079 said:
1: The essence of what it means to be a Catholic is ambiguous and confusing.
There doesn’t seem to be any consensus on what it means to be a
true Catholic. This website should be proof enough, but evidence abounds! Confusion reigns. Because of this, those who consider themselves Catholic and attempt to build their identities upon that idea are building on an ambiguous and shifting core. They cannot find a solid, rich, and nutrient-filled soil for them to root their egos.
It is true that there are a number of poorly catechized Catholics. I used to be one myself. But it is an error to equate persons who don’t know their faith with a lack of cohesion in the faith. First of all, our faith is not based on “consensus” but upon the teachings of Christ, which are not ambiguous or confusing. Jesus wanted us to know everything needed to get us to heaven,and He has revealed it through His teachings, and through His One Body, ,the Church.
I do agree, however, that building one’s identity on somoething that is ambiguous and shifting is ulitimately defeating. Catholics who do not learn their faith and practice it are, indeed, lacking roots in the solid, rich, and nutrient filled soil provided to us by Christ.
2: **Without a strong and clear identity, a negative definition emerges.**
Catholics would say that this is the result of concupiscence.
Because Catholics don’t know who they are, and consequently are unable to love themselves, they must turn outward to define what they are not.
hate the other, in order to give the ego something firm to grasp. Catholics are
against such and such, they
oppose so and so. Because they can’t agree, or even understand what they
love they turn to
hatred and fear in order to define themselves.
It is curious, but as I was reading this, I realized it sounded to me much like how I think about Protestantism. Protestants began by defining themselves against the Catholics, and continue to be defined by which parts, and how much of the Catholic faith they reject. You are right that it does result in a lot of shifting sand, and it is an identity built upon what is rejected.
Fortunately Catholics do not need to find themselves in this position, since the Jesus has revealed all that we need to embrace (as opposed to reject) to the Church. We believe that there has been a “once for all” divine deposit of faith that includes the revelation by God of himself in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
I believe that this same dynamic drives atheism. Of course atheists can’t agree on what to believe or who they are. There is no widespread agreement or consensus. Rather, there is a mutual disdain and hatred of religion and “blind faith.”
I don’t know about “hatred” but I can certainly agree that I have disdain as well for blind faith, and fundamentalism. The more I hear about terrorist activity, though, the more my hatred of fundamentalism grows.
Simply not believing in God or gods is insufficient to ground one’s ego. We need a mission, a purpose, a clear vision of ourselves (whether it is illusory doesn’t matter).
I can agree with this wholeheartedly. Of course, Catholics believe that God created us this way, so that He could HImself fulfill our need for these things in the context of our relationship with him.
Atheism and Catholicism are both ambiguous and open-ended. Because of this, each side turns to the invigorating clarity of hatred.
This is a mystery to me, since I do not find Catholicism ambiguous. I am not sure what you mean by 'open ended" so I can’t speak to that. I do agree, however that a lack of self identity does lend itself to a sense of feeling “lost” and the subsequent development of hatefulness.
I guess I have a fundamental disrespect of atheism because I am pursuaded that an atheist must be dishonest to embrace such a position. Since I believe God has revealed Himself to every human soul,and we are all made in HIs image and likeness, it seems to me that an atheist must reject the truth.
What do you think? Is this a plausible theory? Why or why not?
Also, I have to give credit to J.P. Sartre. I am adapting his theory of hatred in Réflexions sur la question juive
to this situation of internet-based hatred.
I think that hatred is based in ignorance and lack of forgiveness.