You keep using this example. It’s a dramatic example. It’s also not at all what the Catholic Church teaches.
You can keep making this claim…
…but now that you’ve been told – multiple times – that this is not what the Church teaches, you have a choice: you can continue to argue for a counterfactual (and we’ll all recognize what your intentions are); or, you can admit that you’re setting up a strawman, and we can continue to discuss the teachings of the Church rationally. Your choice.
Only a misunderstanding of the teachings of the Church could motivate the second scenario.
OK how about this:
Me: Buy my magic crystal set, cuz it’s super cool and magic and stuff.
You: No thanks, I don’t believe in magic crystals.
Me: Well, everyone in this town uses my magic crystals.
You: That’s great, I’m not interested.
Me: OK, but just to warn you…people in this town don’t like it when others deny the power of magic crystals and refuse to buy them.
You: OK, whatever, you can go now.
Me: Ya know…I have a lot of influence around here. Everyone in this town thinks I’m the official magic crystal expert. The other townspeople are just chomping at the bit to kill you because you don’t believe in the crystals. You’re lucky I’m so merciful, I’m holding them back…for now…
You: Ummm, what? Are you threatening me?
Me: Threaten you? Ohh no way, of course not! You don’t have to buy the crystals if you don’t want to, I guess you’re just hopelessly stupid and can’t see the power of the crystals. That’s OK, the Ur-Crystal might forgive you. I know cuz I’m the expert.
You: Forgive me for what?
Me: Oh you didn’t know? You’re
broken. You need the crystals to fix you.
You: Hey buddy, who are you calling broken?
Me: Oh, it’s OK, we’re all broken. We’re born that way. And because we’re broken, we can’t go to live in the magical crystal realm when we die.
You: Yeah…OK…
Me: But don’t you want to live in the magical crystal realm?
You: I don’t believe in magical crystals OK? It makes no sense.
Me: Oh…ok…well…that’s too bad. Maybe you can find some other way to get to the magical crystal realm when you die. I really hope you do! Cuz if ya don’t…well then you will end up in the naughty land of frozen ice!
You: Alright, ok whatever. I’ve heard your pitch, and it is incoherent so I don’t buy it. Just the other day some guy was trying to sell me on magical pebbles. I didn’t buy those either.
Me: Hmmm, that is a shame. I’m afraid I can’t protect you from the angry townspeople if you don’t buy my crystals. Shucks…I can see them coming now. Wow they look angry, and they’ve got burning torches and pitchforks. Darn, too bad there is nothing I can do to save you. You should have bought the crystals I guess!
leaves town
What motivates the magical crystal salesman? I say, in some instances, hate. In some others, fear. In some others, desire for control and domination. What other reasons could there be?
If the salesman
truly believed in the power of the crystals, then threats would be unnecessary. If the nature of religious truth were clear and unambiguous, then there wouldn’t be hundreds of thousands of salesmen running around trying to convince everyone that only their understandings were correct and everyone else is either deluded or a liar.
Is that better?