The Cows Come Home

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The Cows Come Home
Suddenly, France and Germany support democracy in Iraq.

If George W. Bush is a cowboy, then one of his most trusted hands just brought in a stray. Thanks to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s recent trip to Europe, Germany is now promising to rejoin the herd migrating toward Iraqi democracy. This was not how it was supposed to be. Last year John Kerry claimed only he could bring in the wayward European cattle.

It turns out, though, that one of the chief architects of President Bush’s “unilateral” policy is also a good diplomat. Ms. Rice won applause in every European country she visited. “We have a lot of experience with the building of functional institutions for countries,” said Germany’s Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. “This is a kind of assistance that we would like to make available to the Iraqi government.” He added: “I very much am of the opinion, and we both, I think, know that the international community of states is now called upon to come in and help, and Germany certainly will do so.”

The “international community” is now behind the policy of building a stable and peaceful democracy in Iraq. What a turnabout this is from just a few months ago. Expect President Bush to find a warm reception on his coming European tour.

It should be said that this was the likely result for whoever won the White House last November. Europe cannot long afford to isolated itself from the United States. Yet let us not discount Ms. Rice’s magnanimity. Her poise, grace and eloquence make it easier for Germany to do what it would do anyway. But the bottom line is that Mr. Schroeder is promising to train Iraqi troops (albeit outside of Iraq) and provide other assistance, all while praising the recent elections there … -snip-

It figures, now that the hard, dirty, bloody, expensive, and least desireable work is done, now Europe is ready to “help”…

What they need is a good spanking, and to be made stand in the corner, for disobeying Papa Bush. 😉
Germany has been training and equipping Iraqi police since last summer, Schroeder has promised Condi to go on with that.
That “News” actually is nothing new, it just hadn’t made its way into the “Old Europe” bashing US media yet.

Point is, we usually don’t make much ado about it when we are helping somewhere, so Condi’s fans try to sell it as her personal success, which it definitely isn’t.

Germany has been training and equipping Iraqi police since last summer, Schroeder has promised Condi to go on with that.
That “News” actually is nothing new,
Germany committed to increasing, I think doubling, their efforts. No, it is significant.
In my opinion, Germany and France are in it for what they can get out of it. If they put $100 million in they expect to get $200 million back. They will whine and complain about anything and every thing that does not favor them. They are like the friend who will not loan you any money to start a business and will tell you everything you are doing is wrong but when your business succeeds they are your best friend again and want a deal on buying stock when you go public. They were not there when we needed them, so I don’t care if they join us now or not. Until I see some basic changes in most Western Europe governments, like giving up their socialistic governments, I say we should focus on Eastern Europe where we are appreciated.
I think they are still a little miffed that we ruined their Oil-for-Food “investments”.
In my opinion, Germany and France are in it for what they can get out of it. If they put $100 million in they expect to get $200 million back. They will whine and complain about anything and every thing that does not favor them. They are like the friend who will not loan you any money to start a business and will tell you everything you are doing is wrong but when your business succeeds they are your best friend again and want a deal on buying stock when you go public. They were not there when we needed them, so I don’t care if they join us now or not. Until I see some basic changes in most Western Europe governments, like giving up their socialistic governments, I say we should focus on Eastern Europe where we are appreciated.
I think they are still a little miffed that we ruined their Oil-for-Food “investments”.
I think more than a little miffed. I like the way you phrased it–Oil-for-Food “investments”. 😃
I think they are still a little miffed that we ruined their Oil-for-Food “investments”.
Unlike the US we never were in the oil for food business.

The US dealt with Saddam via the oil for food program until one moth before the war, Germany didn’t make any businesses whatsoever with Saddam during the last 3 years before the war.

You should get your facts straight.

Unlike the US we never were in the oil for food business.

The US dealt with Saddam via the oil for food program until one moth before the war, Germany didn’t make any businesses whatsoever with Saddam during the last 3 years before the war.

You should get your facts straight.

This is good American propoganda, why let the facts get in the way of a good story!!!
Unlike the US we never were in the oil for food business.

The US dealt with Saddam via the oil for food program until one moth before the war, Germany didn’t make any businesses whatsoever with Saddam during the last 3 years before the war.

You should get your facts straight.

You did not help with the war and most Americans don’t want your help now. That is a fact.
No no, please, Werner, enlighten us as to the “truth” of American foreign policy. You have a captive audience with me.
Unlike the US we never were in the oil for food business.

The US dealt with Saddam via the oil for food program until one moth before the war, Germany didn’t make any businesses whatsoever with Saddam during the last 3 years before the war.

You should get your facts straight.

No no, please, Werner, enlighten us as to the “truth” of American foreign policy. You have a captive audience with me.
OK, go to the following link
It is a source from your own government showing the the US got several times more oil from Saddam than all European countries together between 1996 and 2003.

In 2003 alone the US got more than 4 times as much oil from Saddam than all European countries together.

Especially have a look on how much Germany got from Saddam.

Even France, which was the biggest European importer of Saddam’s oil during those years, never got nearly as much as the US

France and Germany were against democracy in Iraq???


Has anyone told them that??

France and Germany were against democracy in Iraq???
As long as they don’t have to pay for it in any way shape or form, they are all for it.
Has anyone told them that??

I think I may be wroing on this, but I believe they already know.
Until I see some basic changes in most Western Europe governments, like giving up their socialistic governments, I say we should focus on Eastern Europe where we are appreciated.
France has a conservative Government. Britain with a supposedly left of centre government was involved in the invasion of Iraq. Left of Centre germany has troops committed to Afghanistan, perhaps you would prefer to have US soldiers doing their job. If not then you could show a bit of gratitude to the Germans for taking up the strain.

Incidentally the governments of Western Europe are elected. If you don’t like the results of freedom why do you pretend to support it?
Huh? If that is what you call conservative, I’ll bet you must think that Michael Moore is just left of center.
France has a conservative Government.
Werner, buddy…

Did anyone really think France and Germany were not going to support us in the end? What else can they do at this point?

France was caught red handed with their hand in the cookie jar and I’ll let Werner tell us what Germany was up to.

Why do we care so much about what Germany and France think of us anyway? I realize we need to dialogue with them but if it wasn’t for us, neither of these countries would exist today. At all, nothing, nichts, they wouldn’t be there. Have a driven the point home? They should support whatever we do like good little brothers 😉 .

Huh? If that is what you call conservative, I’ll bet you must think that Michael Moore is just left of center.
It is a conservative government. Chirac is the leader of the Gaullist Party which is part of the governing right wing co-alition. The last socialist president was Mitterand. You might like to use facts to support your arguments. If the facts didn’t have the stubborn habit of pointing the opposite way to your belief’s that is.
France was caught red handed with their hand in the cookie jar and I’ll let Werner tell us what Germany was up to.
Is there any actual evidence for this? Has anyone been convicted? Is anyone under arrest?
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