
I don’t mean to hijack into another subject, but I think the two really go hand in hand. I’ll keep it relevant to this subject.Let’s not hijack this thread into the feminist movement. If you want to talk about the feminist movement then please start another thread.

In the 20’s women got the right to vote. But that’s not the feminist movement I was talking about, it was the bra burning, I don’t need a man feminisists of the 60’s and 70’s.Really? Cause it sort of seems like it helped get women the vote in its earlies incarnation and since then has helped them become more independent and free to pursue the life they want. But if you say that’s nothing then I guess it is…
The ones that told me while I was growing up that I was lazy if I stayed home with my kids. That I had to have a career, because I shouldn’t be dependant on ‘some man’ The ones that advocated sex out of marriage, and living together as a viable option. The ones who downplayed the importance of the family. And the specific roles of mothers and fathers.
In the 60’s we got the pill, in the 70’s we got abortion. Now, in the 90’s and 00’s we get to have sex with who ever we want. And then we’re told to ‘get rid’ of any consequences of that action. And how many children are being raised by one parent? How many are being short changed, because mom wouldn’t abort when dad said you better or I’m gone?
The pill won’t stop abortion. Having LESS SEX will stop abortion. Having sex with someone you love and who will love your children. Your right to choose starts when you choose to say yes to sex. Then it ends.
Same for me on this thread for now, because frankly I’m tired of talking to a brick wall.