The Devil Made Me Do It?

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Is the devil real? What types of encounters have you had with Satan, that you would like to share?
I don’t know if this is thread drift … if so, I could start another thread.

If we taken as given that Satan exists (and I do believe that), and that our thoughts can be influenced by him, how do I know what the dividing line is between my personal thoughts and those that don’t ‘belong’ to me? Who am “I”? Same goes for God influencing our thoughts …
Sometimes, I am awaken in the middle of the night with a dark presence in my room trying to drag me out of bed. Quickly, I ask Jesus for help. Then the dark presence goes away.

My GF had the same thing happen to her (though she lives in another house, several miles away). This is too spooky to be a coincidence.

The Devil is Real. Jesus Christ is our ONLY Hope!
I see black figures everywhere…since I was 8…that’s when i knew God exsisted, but didn’t acknowledge it until I was 16.
I see black figures everywhere…since I was 8…that’s when i knew God exsisted, but didn’t acknowledge it until I was 16.
How do you deal with something like this … I know my aunt claims she has been attacked by the devil. … and she says you always smell like sulfer when he is near …
:eek: :eek: :eek:
**Quite frankly I wouln’t give the time of day mentioning anything about him other than: **

his **greatest achievement is ****convincing people that he doesn’t exist!!! 😦 **
Sometimes, I am awaken in the middle of the night with a dark presence in my room trying to drag me out of bed. Quickly, I ask Jesus for help. Then the dark presence goes away.
This is very frightening. It’s never happened to me, but I saw it in a horror movie once. This man got into bed and turned out the light to go to sleep. As soon as the light went off, the man saw a dark figure standing in the doorway. It was tall and thin and completely black, and it had no face. It was turning its head this way and that to try and find the man; it couldn’t see because it had no eyes. The man started shrieking in fright, and immediately the figure darted into the room (it could hear, all right) , tore off the bedsheets, yanked the man out of bed and dragged him screaming down to Hell. To this day I get nightmares remembering this movie. I hope and pray this never happens to me!
I believe Satan is real. Do I think we can blame all our actions on him? Not all, since we still have free will and should take responsibility for our actions. Yes, I’ve felt the presence of evil before.
I saw a black figure once in our patio… it walked straight through it… I’ve felt malevolent presences in the house, but haven’t felt them since I went a bit nuts with holy water and blessed every room. :amen:
I saw a black figure once in our patio… it walked straight through it… I’ve felt malevolent presences in the house, but haven’t felt them since I went a bit nuts with holy water and blessed every room. :amen:
I occassionally sense a presence characterized by the lack of love which I believe is the Satan or one of his agents. At these times, I turn even more to God, asking Him to protect me and my loved ones from the presence and influence of the evil one and to fill us with His love.

It is in His love that I recognize God.
Just one observation: The devil doesn’t make you do anything, unless you’ve become quantifiably “possessed.” The overwhelming majority of us, however, are merely tempted by the Enemy.

If God gives us free will to either reject or embrace Him, then he certainly wouldn’t let His opposite have free reign over us. We almost always make the conscious decision to choose sin over God.
Just one observation: The devil doesn’t make you do anything
Hi - I was only using it as a Catch Phase! Thanks for the info! Have a blessed day!

Moe 👍
two things I learned by raising teenagers, one the devil is real he is hard at work in our world today, two, the power of the rosary. Does this mean only prayer to Mary is an effective weapon, no, it means that when we pray the rosary we ally ourselves with her total submission to God’s will, we come to know Jesus in his incarnation, suffering and glory, and hence find our defense against evil.
Sometimes, I am awaken in the middle of the night with a dark presence in my room trying to drag me out of bed. Quickly, I ask Jesus for help. Then the dark presence goes away.

My GF had the same thing happen to her (though she lives in another house, several miles away). This is too spooky to be a coincidence.

The Devil is Real. Jesus Christ is our ONLY Hope!
That is quite frightening. :eek:

I believe that if you are a Christian, you cannot be possessed by the Devil or a demon, which I know is not the direct question being asked here.

I think evil is real, but the power of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit defeats it.
two things I learned by raising teenagers, one the devil is real he is hard at work in our world today, two, the power of the rosary. Does this mean only prayer to Mary is an effective weapon, no, it means that when we pray the rosary we ally ourselves with her total submission to God’s will, we come to know Jesus in his incarnation, suffering and glory, and hence find our defense against evil.
The devil HATES our Mother 😦
I believe that if you are a Christian, you cannot be possessed by the Devil or a demon, which I know is not the direct question being asked here.

Is that Catholic teaching?
I have once suddenly woken up with a feeling of utter terror. I definitely felt a presence hovering over me. I quickly said prayers that I know work for me when I am afraid of something I cannot see. Before I knew it, I fell back to sleep and woke up to a new day.

Years ago, before I started to say the Liturgy of the Hours as part of my night prayers, I had the strangest dreams. Out of no where I had the sensation that my blankets were slowly being removed from me. Even during these sleep experiences, I manage to say prayers, but it would be quite a struggle to shake the feel of the blankets being pulled off me.

Just before falling asleep, but still wide awake, I have felt something walking all over me like a small animal. I first thought it was the cat, but what if the cat is not even in the house?

The ugliest and frightening faces enter my mind just before falling asleep. The most powerful prayer for this I found out is the Apostles Creed. Like a tight curtain - no more ugly faces. The images usually disappear at the point in the Creed: “and in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God.”

There are many other instances. I don’t give in and turn to God right away.

Isn’t it amazing reading about St. John Vianney how he was personally attacked every night, even to the extent where the devil burnt his bed!

But God is good, God is faithful, He is always there at your side. He is so powerful and will come to your aid when you turn to Him in prayer. Such consolation to have this knowledge.

Blessed Be God!

Last night I was having a dream about helping a criminal who was doing some sort of evil. For some reason, I awoke feeling a presence. I knew that our Blessed Mother was present. I felt safe, remembering that a picture of Our Lady of Rosa Mystica is hanging in the hallway very near to my room. It was soreal. I then realized that saying my rosary every afternoon devoutly thrashed the devil away. I got up and went into the bathroom with no fear, I passed by the picture of Our Lady and looked at it then, I went back to bed. I started praying immediatly and soon after fell back to sleep. For the second time in my life, Our Lady has interceded with sending the “devil” on his way.

Padre Pio was constantly tormented by the devil. Most of the time it happened at night. Believe me, he is real.

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