The Devil Made Me Do It?

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Some of you mention prayers that you pray in these instances.

What prayer would you rank as your #1 weapon?

Some of you mention prayers that you pray in these instances.

What prayer would you rank as your #1 weapon?

I get practically immediate results when I pray the Apostles Creed. Sometimes, however, I have to say it twice or three times, because I am just reciting it in my head without paying too much attention to the words. So, it is important to pay attention to the words of a prayer.

The Liturgy of the Hours prayers for the night are also very powerful. In my previous message I left out the fact that saying these prayers before going to sleep 99.9% of the time will assure me of a good night’s sleep.

Make it a good habit, though, to not forget to pray the Rosary!

Sometimes, I am awaken in the middle of the night with a dark presence in my room trying to drag me out of bed. Quickly, I ask Jesus for help. Then the dark presence goes away.
This happened to me too!! Only I was falling asleep and I felt a very warm sensation starting in my feet and moving up my legs. I thought maybe I was having a healing until the next thing I knew I was being jerked out of bed by my ankles and down the hallway on my back. There was a overpowering sensation of evil yet I did not actually see the devil. What I did see were some outlines of small tormenting and taunting demons near my head. I was TERRIFIED!! I began to pray every prayer that came to my head and I was SCREAMING them out, yet instead of being let go, I was being spun by my ankles in circles and I began to be pulled down. (Like when you flush the toilet, and the water spins. Thats how I felt) I could not understand why my prayers weren’t stopping the devil and I began yelling to God and asking why aren’t they working?? That is when I woke up. I was ICE COLD, shivering, and SCARED Stiff. I was AFRAID to move as I felt the devil was still near. My heart was racing and I wanted to call my husband and tell him to come home from work (he worked graveyard), but I was too scared to move. I began to pray the rosary and eventually fell back asleep. I could not get this out of my head and kept asking God why it happened and why my prayers didn’t work? Finally I received an answer: “It was the prayers that kept you from going down further!” I then felt peace and comfort knowing God does hear our prayers and answers them.
For the poster a few posts back, yes, you can be possessed by a demon if you are a Christian. Father Amorth’s books (he is the official exorcist of Rome) are full of authentic stories of possession and exorcism. Most importantly he tells the difference between true demonic possession and psychological disorders, fakery, etc.

Several of our greatest saints, including Padre Pio, Mother Teresa, St. John Vianney, were troubled and attacked regularly by demons --which is NOT the same as being possessed–and drove them away by prayer and fasting, which Jesus tells us are the most effective weapons.

Best all around prayer-the rosary
Best quickie, and you should say it every day during your morning prayer and teach it to your children

St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou,
O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
The devil is real and hard at word to divert our attention. Here is my frightening experience that happened on Monday 8/1.

I get up every morning, hop on my treadmill and pray while I exercise. One of my son’s had left a toy Frankenstein doll on the floor of the room I was in. This toy will talk and groan when he is squeezed.

So I proceed to exercise and pray. As I start my 15 St Bridget prayers, Frankenstein starts moaning and talking in his scary voice, " I am angry now!" I was startled, but kept going with my workout and prayers. And he talks again.

Now I am spooked and start praying out loud and praising Jesus. Frankenstein starts moaning again, “I am angry now!” Chills are running through my body and he speaks up for the 4th time.

I ran up to my bedroom, grabbed my rosary and hung it around my neck. Grabbed my crucifix and hopped back on my treadmill, holding the crucifix. Chills tear up my body just before Frankenstein moans, for the 5th time, “I am angry now!”

Well I am really frightened because I feel a real presence. Frankenstein gets one more moan out before I picked him up and threw him outside. Then I got my bottle of holy water and doused the room.

I was so scared that I could not exercise but knew I could not stop praying or the devil would have won. I sat and prayed harder and out loud, longer than my normal routine.

Oh, he is real, allright. But praise the Lord we have weapons. That is why we need to teach our children those very weapons.

God Bless and stay close to Him.
I want to relay a situation that recently happened to my 11 yr old son at prayer time.

My sons and I say bedtime prayers together. On this particular evening, my 11 yr old had his head on his pillow and stopped praying outloud for a moment. Then he sat upright with a jolt and screammed, “NOOOO”.

We were in the middle of the prayer to St Michael. When this happened. He looked at me very frightened and said when he put his head on the pillow, he started thinking about how much he hated prayers and prayertime. He realized this was not his own thought and that’s when he screamed because he was afraid.

So, I comforted him and told him how proud I was that he was able to identify the evil ( discerment is a gift of the Holy Spirit), then we said the St. Michael prayer all over again, louder.

God is amazing. Our children need to be taught.

Of course the devil is real. Just read Scripture and you will find plenty of mentions of him.

I think some people go off the deep end and attribute all kinds of direct interventions to him. There is plenty of evil inherent in the world so that he doesn’t have to do much. Diabolic interventions, it seems to me, are about as common as saintly apparitions; they happen, but only rarely and only to a few. I have personally experienced neither kind of direct intervention and do not expect that I will. “Working out my salvation in fear and trembling” is quite enough for me.
A lot of these stories strike a chord with me and are extra specila spooky.

When I was young a dark prescence used to hover over my crib then my bed…when I was still young…around 5 or so I drew a picture of it and called it the “standing thing” because it would just stand over me.

When I was 11 I was laying on the floor in a sleeping bag when it started to be pulled off me, I began to scream but no words would come out and I was laying there frightened for teh rest of the night.

Just a few years ago my wife told me that a black shadow used to sit behind me on the couch and tell her stuff about me.

I say this and am not lying, I have 2 witnesses. One night a friend staying over said he saw a dark figure standing in a tree limb, we began to pray and all 3 of us saw a white light go to the limb and then dissappear. We are under the impression this may have been a Holy Angel carrying it away.

But I still have the nightmares, I dont have to see or hear anything in the nightmares, I feel the prescence and always wake up screaming, the scary thing is that I often wonder whether the prescence is there and making me feel it in my dream or if the dream is so real thats why I still feel it after I wake up.

In my life I have met others who have had the same experience and the same details that I will not go into right now.

Lets just say I believe hes real. :bigyikes:

I used to pray agropa satana, en nomine patres a fili a spriritu sanctes amen when I got a little older. I hope I spelled it right.
Hi SojournerOf78:

How scary for you! I am just amazed at this … I believe … but how scary :eek: :eek: :eek:
The devil exists. Perhaps not as we presume but none the less he exists.
The devil is real. However, he cannot “make” us do anything. He can tempt us, but ultimately it is our decision whether to sin or not to sin, or do anything else.
(Tongue in cheek on this post)
I thought it was appropriate to place my 666th. post in here! :bigyikes:

I pray every night before I fall asleep for protection by my Guardian Angel to protect me indecent dreams so that satan’s demons cannot penitrate my body as I sleep. However their have been times that I had some pretty realistic dreams about committing sins that I have once done in my past. Those are scary enough. But when I wake up, I just pray to God for giving me another day, and that usually keeps the thoughts of the dreams out of my mind.

go with God!
Yes, the devil exists. The devil is so much smarter than we are because he is a fallen angel. He fell because of the sin of pride. (sorry boys if I use the masuline pronoun…angels really have no gender) His greatest enemy is St Michael because St Michael was true to God and was willing to worship Jesus even when he became a lowly human being. The devil knows that Christ died on a cross for us so he hates the cross. Our greatest weapon we have against the devil is the sign of the cross. I also like to wear my St Michael lapel button to remind me to ask for his help in fighting the devil. The devil was smart and beautiful before he fell so my guess is that he uses our pride to make us sin. That was always his strongest suit. Some of you posters imagine the devil to be scary looking but I think he is just the opposite…beautiful and tempting and devestating. I think we are both right because the devil goes for what he thinks is our greatest weakness.
satan is certainly real. i don’t know that i’ve had encounters with HIM, but i’ve certainly had some run ins with his minions.

one time my brother, a friend, and i were practicing a skit for chapel. we went into the old chapel on campus and my brother and i both sensed something looking at us from the loft. we both stopped and looked up there at the same time, and saw nothing, but the hair stood up on our necks and arms. we felt God embolden us, and went and sang praise songs and quoted psalms and praised God throughout the chapel, and felt the oppressive spirit leave.

another time, i was awoken from a deep sleep and felt God prompt me to get my journal and go to the lobby of my dorm. so i did. i was praying, and felt as though God prompted me to pray that satan would be bound. so i did. after i prayed that, i saw a green flash go by the windows out front. i felt God speak to my heart again and tell me to go back to bed, out the back way (not out the front, where the green flash had been), and to go to sleep. i started to pray, and i sensed God saying ‘don’t pray. prayer is like a beacon, and the enemy can find you. just go to sleep’ and i thought ‘ya, right. my heart is going 100 mph and i’m wide awake and some evil spirit is looking for me and i’m just supposed to go to sleep???’ and that’s the last thing i remember that night. i fell immediately asleep. 🙂

another time, i was working as an intern at a church. one of the youth in my church was a brand new convert, had just started coming about a month before. was very active, and had a growing faith. her name was angela. she started dating a guy named jason who had a reputation in the town for being involved in the occult. another girl in my youth group started having dreams about angela. angela, in the dream, was in a field, and all these hooded figures were moving around her, doing some sort of demonic ritual. she had this dream night after night. after about a week, in the dream one figure looked up and she saw that it was jason.

well, we went to visit angela and jason and invited them to come back to church with us. they were surprised, but there was little response. that night, i was about to go to sleep when i felt a very strong, dark, oppresive presence in my room. i felt very small and weak, like a little boy, and pulled my covers up to my chin and prayed. suddenly i was overcome with boldness, and i got up and recited scripture and prayed psalms aloud and praised God, and i felt the presence leave. the next wednesday, jason and angela came to church and made a commitment of their lives to God.

in every instance, i didn’t go looking for it. i try not to. it’s dangerous. but when it comes around, He’s always ready. God be praised.
his **greatest achievement is ****convincing people that he doesn’t exist!!! 😦 **
Sad but true… As my children grew up and the immoral corruptions would try to walk through my door, I had more than one tug of war with him over my childrens souls, as my mother did over my soul. Because in the early years I thought as long as I don’t go to hell I will be fine. So life seemed easiest when sitting on the devils fence. Of course I did not know where I was sitting because I was to spiritually blind. But I learned by the age of 24 it was not a fence I wanted to stay on.
There is a saying that goes if you have not been tempted in one weeks time you need to step back and wonder what is wrong, because the devil only fights for what does not already belong to him.
Is the devil real ohhhh yes very, very real…
Annunciata quoted a quote which stated that the greatest achievement of the devil is to convince us that he does not exist. However, the devil said he would give Christ the world if He would only fall down and worship him!
Now, then, does the devil want us to worship him because he doesn’t exist? Sounds like atheism turned on its head, doesn’t it?
I believe the Devil exists. I don’t need to see him to believe it. But anyone can see the results of his influence on humanity.
I occassionally sense a presence characterized by the lack of love which I believe is the Satan or one of his agents.
It is in His love that I recognize God.
I agree (especially when I go to the politics forum)
The devil is real. However, he cannot “make” us do anything. He can tempt us, but ultimately it is our decision whether to sin or not to sin, or do anything else.
Exellent! I agree. You took the words right out of my computor keys.

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
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